Skin care routine 2016.

Hello my lovelies! This post has been requested a lot, so I thought I'd make you guys happy! Some of the products are kindly sponsored or are gifts from various companies. Like always, these will be notified with a * and a direct link to the web page. I try my hardest to make sure all products are available worldwide, but sometimes this can't be helped. Some of the products used in this post may be tested on animals and may not be suitable for Vegans or people who don't agree with that sort of thing. With that all said and done, lets carry on with the post. My skin care routine doesn't really change if I'm wearing make up or not, as I'm prone to spots and break outs I always like to use quite hard and strong products. I have combination kin, at the minute it is quite dry on my temples and oily everywhere else. I made 2016 the year that I was going to sort out my skin and ever since I said that I've had so many break outs it makes me feel a bit sick. ...