I asked you guys to ask me questions and bloody hell you are all strange! Enjoy! What is your favourite thing about being 18? Alcohol. Do you miss College? More than anyone could imagine! I miss all my boys so much, i feel like I've lost a leg or something. Will you carry on blogging when you go to University? Yes, I mean, I'm going to have to explain it to my flat mates that I'm not going crazy when they hear me talking to myself whilst filming. I hope to bring you a unedited version of University life. What's Sunday club? You would be asking this question if you had me on snapchat (annaltee), Sunday club is mine, Chris' and Jades (or sometimes Morgans) adventure day. I don't know why, but it just happens every Sunday and now it's Sunday club. Are you doing any more collaborations soon? Yes! Very soon actually, I'm just waiting for a delivery to arrive! What colour is your hair currently? My hair is currently gr...