Friday the 13th.

As I sit in my tiny uni room, covered in unicorn-themed items, surrounded by empty bottles of saka water; I wonder. how did I get here? First off, I'm not at Bolton anymore. I can honestly say, it was the worst decision of my life to even think about going there. I hated it, I hated the people, I despised my shitty flat with shitty flatmates who had my life (P.S I'LL PUT MY BACON WHEREVER I WANT). I hated the course, I hated my lecturer. It made me depressed and I knew that I wasn't going to return. So I quit. I sent an email to my tutor which said "You're shit, I'm not coming back"- He hasn't replied yet. Then came the difficult part of 'Shit Anna what the fuk are you gonna do??' and then came to the constant reminder from the back of my brain that I was a failure. Somehow, through clearing and pure luck, I got into Uclan or Preston uni. And I bloody love it. I love my silly mates, I love my dirty flat, I love the nightlife and most im...