Helloooooo! It's me, I haven't died, ran away with my next-door neighbour or became a stripper. just been living my best life, getting drunk and getting into debt. Uni life, hey. If you can remember more than me, you might remember that when I went to Bolton uni (bad times, let's not remember that whole experience), I have done a post about being a Cumbrian student. Well that was 2 years ago so I think it deserves an update. Lets go! People will think you're Geordie and they will make you say curly wurly, laugh at the way you say no, door, poor, hello... The list goes on. You will get stupidly defensive when some moron from Manchester tries and says he's more northern than you. Back away Oasis, you're basically midlands. Cheese xl will always hold a place in your heart, forever. You'll say a word and receive blank faces because did you know that no one uses the word ratch????? Horrified. You have to come to terms with the fact that if you have ...