A letter to my English Teacher.
Dear Sir, This letter will probably have spelling errors, miss used punctuation and Similes which doesn't make sense- a proper 'Anna' letter. See, you're the only person who made me believe in myself (And yes, I still use the face that beLIEve has a lie in it). Who told me that just because my target was much lower than my potential, a letter on a sticker should not stop me from doing my best. You used to constantly tell me that the way I wrote was unique and it's very rare someone can write like they speak, "You write like you would have a conversation, but dear god Anna, why so much glitter?"- The time I used glitter for a mood board and you were finding it two years later. From shouting at me in the corridors what PEE stands for, to asking me what I'm going to get as GCSE results; then getting very angry at me when I shouted back "D". You made me believe in myself. From skitting me about my bag, to my obsession with glitter and Jor...