A letter to my English Teacher.
Dear Sir,
This letter will probably have spelling errors, miss used punctuation and Similes which doesn't make sense- a proper 'Anna' letter.
See, you're the only person who made me believe in myself (And yes, I still use the face that beLIEve has a lie in it). Who told me that just because my target was much lower than my potential, a letter on a sticker should not stop me from doing my best. You used to constantly tell me that the way I wrote was unique and it's very rare someone can write like they speak, "You write like you would have a conversation, but dear god Anna, why so much glitter?"- The time I used glitter for a mood board and you were finding it two years later.
From shouting at me in the corridors what PEE stands for, to asking me what I'm going to get as GCSE results; then getting very angry at me when I shouted back "D".
You made me believe in myself. From skitting me about my bag, to my obsession with glitter and Jordan. Even when I was sitting in your classroom right before my exam, on the 3rd June 2014, you told me to chill out and always remember that the first thought in your head is normally the right answer.
I went off to College and I was given another letter on a sticker which said Pass, your wise words came into my head and I knew that if I believed in myself I could get higher. I got a Merit, Sir.
Year two came around and I enrolled on a Creative Writing course- one word for that, hell. Do you find The Great Gatsby creative? (Hint: It was awful, the teacher told me off for saying the book was murdering my brain cells) Also, guess what? NO A3 PIECES OF PAPER WITH WORDS AND PICTURES ON! I soon left that course and decided that I was way to creative for Creative Writing.
You inspired me to be my best at all times, to use words I've never used before and to use a dictionary to find cool and interesting words.
All the things above have made me into this sassy girl who comes out with words no one uses and still uses her revision notes when writing a letter. Your dedication to me, all them wise words and stern looks (Like when I used to give up because I spelt government like 'govenment') made me get a B in English- a mark I never thought I'd see on that piece of paper.
So thank you Sir, for never giving up on the drama queen/ hypochondriac that I formally am.
I appreciate it zillions and millions and other number which I can't spell.
Yours faithfully,
Anna Taylor.
Psstttttttt! Don't forget to check out my other posts!
This letter will probably have spelling errors, miss used punctuation and Similes which doesn't make sense- a proper 'Anna' letter.
See, you're the only person who made me believe in myself (And yes, I still use the face that beLIEve has a lie in it). Who told me that just because my target was much lower than my potential, a letter on a sticker should not stop me from doing my best. You used to constantly tell me that the way I wrote was unique and it's very rare someone can write like they speak, "You write like you would have a conversation, but dear god Anna, why so much glitter?"- The time I used glitter for a mood board and you were finding it two years later.
From shouting at me in the corridors what PEE stands for, to asking me what I'm going to get as GCSE results; then getting very angry at me when I shouted back "D".
You made me believe in myself. From skitting me about my bag, to my obsession with glitter and Jordan. Even when I was sitting in your classroom right before my exam, on the 3rd June 2014, you told me to chill out and always remember that the first thought in your head is normally the right answer.
I went off to College and I was given another letter on a sticker which said Pass, your wise words came into my head and I knew that if I believed in myself I could get higher. I got a Merit, Sir.
Year two came around and I enrolled on a Creative Writing course- one word for that, hell. Do you find The Great Gatsby creative? (Hint: It was awful, the teacher told me off for saying the book was murdering my brain cells) Also, guess what? NO A3 PIECES OF PAPER WITH WORDS AND PICTURES ON! I soon left that course and decided that I was way to creative for Creative Writing.
You inspired me to be my best at all times, to use words I've never used before and to use a dictionary to find cool and interesting words.
All the things above have made me into this sassy girl who comes out with words no one uses and still uses her revision notes when writing a letter. Your dedication to me, all them wise words and stern looks (Like when I used to give up because I spelt government like 'govenment') made me get a B in English- a mark I never thought I'd see on that piece of paper.
So thank you Sir, for never giving up on the drama queen/ hypochondriac that I formally am.
I appreciate it zillions and millions and other number which I can't spell.
Yours faithfully,
Anna Taylor.
Psstttttttt! Don't forget to check out my other posts!
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