I bake cakes and have a dog!

Well, it has been some time, hasn't it? Not really sure what to type, what to talk about but here's some good news! I got a house! like a proper grown-up house where I pay bills and buy toilet paper and I'm not woken up at 3 am by my flatmate having sex with some bird (woman). Not a bird woman.. As in a woman. I'm sure she was lovely... Sober and makeup intact. You do you girl, just not at 3 am in my flat. I got a dog! after many months of searching the rspca website and looking at massive dogs that were out of the question. I somehow ended up with a fluff ball called Ernie who is a little SHIT and barks at anything. I'm off my happy pills. okay, maybe not by doctors orders but I just stopped and you know what, apart from a few bumps in the road; everything is okay. Anyways, I can see myself rambling more than drunk Anna does on Snapchat. let's leave it here! I really miss blogging and there have been many times I've sat down with ideas ...