I bake cakes and have a dog!
Well, it has been some time, hasn't it?
Not really sure what to type, what to talk about but here's some good news!
- I got a house! like a proper grown-up house where I pay bills and buy toilet paper and I'm not woken up at 3 am by my flatmate having sex with some bird (woman). Not a bird woman.. As in a woman. I'm sure she was lovely... Sober and makeup intact. You do you girl, just not at 3 am in my flat.
- I got a dog! after many months of searching the rspca website and looking at massive dogs that were out of the question. I somehow ended up with a fluff ball called Ernie who is a little SHIT and barks at anything.
- I'm off my happy pills. okay, maybe not by doctors orders but I just stopped and you know what, apart from a few bumps in the road; everything is okay.
I really miss blogging and there have been many times I've sat down with ideas and I just had some block. But seen as though I have a lottttt of time on my hands for the indefinite future, I might as well get back to it.
Oh, and baking. I bloody love it! it's great! cakes, brownies, some lemon thing, cheesecakes... the list goes on. The only issue is every Tom, Dick and Hary are baking and us British people seem to be storing up on flour?? It's like toilet-roll-gate part 2!
I do hope everyone is okay, it is pretty rough out there and I am grateful i am stuck at home all snug and safe. massive thank you to the NHS staff who have saved my life on numerous occasions.
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