20 things you don't know about me!

(Photo not my own.)
I feel like you guys think you know everything about me, I share my life on this little blog page, but you don't. I've decided to yell you some stuff which my own family probably don't even know, feel lucky! okay, so many I am going through a bit of writers block and O keep starting off a blog post and I never finish it, hopefully the block will soon go!
  1. I HATE it when people call me baby or babe or babs or baba, the names Anna, apart from Dan, he's allowed.
  2. 93% of my friends are male.
  3. I'm planning on getting cosmetic surgery when I'm older to correct my nose.
  4. I've been completing my dolls house for 9 years.
  5. Me, corey, Dan and Cameron all have matching bracelets because we miss each other.
  6. I've forgot what my natural hair colour is.
  7. I hate the word tangerine.
  8. Feminists annoy me, to the point where I cant take them seriously.
  9. Only 2 of my friends have ever viewed my other blog.
  10. I like to do the same things each day, it's good to know times and be planned.
  11. The longest time I've ever slept in one time was 20 hours.
  12. I live in the attic at home.
  13. I collect pot dolls.
  14. I can't put fake eyelashes on.
  15. I haven't worn hair extensions for over a year and I never plan to wear them again.
  16. I say I love you far too soon in a relationship.
  17. I love rose good eye shadow.
  18. Christina Aguilera is my favourite perfume in the world.
  19. When I'm sad I eat custard and dip digestives into it.
  20. I plan on living in Paris or Germany when I've finished Uni
You all know how much I like promoting other blog pages out there, well I came across this page and it is fantastic! It's called Think of a dream of clouds. Make sure you all go over and tell them you where from Unicorns and Fairy Dust!! She also kindly let me use the photo on this blog, isn't it pretty??

Did you know any of these? Have a wonderful week!


X x x

P.s I failed my driving test.. Oppppsss


  1. You don't need to change your nose, it's perfect. Your hair colour is tangerine, babe's !

  2. Hi Anna! Sorry for my belated comment. :) I had another post of yours up on my phone too (My big fat story), which I found really interesting, but somehow my phone got weird and I couldn't leave any comments.

    I live in Germany! To be completely honest, it's a wonderful living environment, and my choices for where to live after uni are the same as yours. :) Maybe we'll run into each other when we're older haha! I've never tried custard, but I've always wanted to. I know I'd love it. I just know I would. I also want to have my nose corrected, but I don't think I will, and neither should you: you're gorgeous! <3

    Thanks so much for that paragraph in the end! Actually, my blog's name is Cloudy, but I see why you'd be confused so sorry about that haha! :) I'm so glad you liked the picture! I took it in Portugal last August. On my personal Instagram, I have the same with me and my friend on it. :) It's one of my favourite shots (the one with us) because of the memories connected to it.

    x, I loved reading your 20 facts,

    Yasmine <3


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