That one person you will ALWAYS love!

I thought I'd get the hard core emotional content out the way for Thursdays favourites post! As you can clearly see by the title, today's post is all about moving that one person who doesn't love you back.

I'm an expert at this, I always fall in love with people who never love me back. (Lets all cry for Anna). I would say I'm over with that one boy who I've loved and loved with all my heart, but I'd be lying. "Anna, haven't you had a boyfriend since though?" Yes, yes I have and this is the main reason I can never go past a certain point because my mind is wrapped up in this one boy.

God damn you!

My friends are all screaming at their screens right now, knowing who it is, who they think it is. you're wrong. But this blog isn't me just sobbing about that fact I've wasted over a 3rd of my life obsessing over a boy, it's for me to use my experience to help you!

Are we ready??

  1. Do you really love them? I thought I was head over heels in love with this guy, I wanted to get married to him, have his kids and grow old together. Now I realised I never truly loved him, I was just.. in love with him. There is a difference. I can't explain it but there is a difference between being in love and loving someone. I still love him, I still care about him and I would never want anything to happen to him, but I'm not in love with him. this is vital to find this out.
  2. Are you obsessed with him? I was, I used to drive my friends and family crazy! "OMG did you see the way he looked at me??" Truth was, he probably was looking at the girl behind me but I felt special! If you are talking about him all of the time, don't worry. it's cute. it's nice to have something to think about but sometimes it can get a bit creepy. So stop refreshing his facebook page and wondering why he hasn't responded, chill out girl! Being a stalker will get you no where, act cool.
  3. Don't be upset when he gets another girl which isn't you. It will happen, it broke my heart, I cried and cried and it probably was my first heart break which is strange because we were never together. It's the worst feeling in the world when you see someone you love with someone else. Just think to yourself 'I am me, I am strong and I am an independent woman who needs no man.' Then go home and eat ice cream whilst crying your sorrows away.
  4. DON'T GO BACK TO YOUR EX. That's all I'm saying.
  5. Fate. Dan said something the other day about fate and what will be will be, I didn't agree with him because we never agree on anything but it made me think. Maybe fate is real and maybe we do go through some shit times so we are stronger when we finally meet that one person. It's okay to be single.
  6. Fall back fortune is not fortune on your behalf. don't go for sloppy seconds, he will probably know that you like him. So he will give you hope and then be like 'girl byyyyee' as soon as his ex forgives him. Simply smile and not give into temptation!
  7. He is not the only guy in the world. As soon as I found this out, the world was my oyster and I seen that there was plenty more fish in the ocean who would treat me better than him. Look around, see that there is other guys who are just as good, if not better!
  8. Don't be a bank for him. I mean this in an non sexual way, don't think giving him money will change his mind, it won't.
  9. Now in a sexual way *blushes*. Don't be a yo yo for him, just because you like him doesn't mean he can take advantage of you. That's not cool and you really need to tell someone if they are doing this.
  10. DON'T SEND HIM NUDES FGS. DELETE HIS SNAPCHAT, NOW! Just no, nope, nope noooo. I'm putting a blog post up soon about sending nudes and other pictures which are currently circulating the internet.
You will love him, you will think that he is all you want and that you are only worth what you can give him. But you're not. I found this out when I seen the light at the end of the tunnel. I was trapped in this love bubble and everyone else who was a maybe looked so ugly. Now that love bubble is well and truly burst, it's not just him who looks nice any more.

I done this post because a girl and a guy messaged me on the page asking for advice, O gave them advice and from that I made this blog post. I hope that it helps you guys when you're stuck. Don't be scared to message either the blog or the facebook face. I can't grantee that you will get an instant reply, but I'll always reply to you.

Keep safe, like I said, if they are taking advantage of you because they are your crush, they are stupid and you need to tell someone.


X x x

*I know I say this from a girls point of view, I'm really sorry, but just swap the him for her!*


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