I dyed my hair TURQUOISE!!

So, I might have... dyed my hair a colour which is anything but normal. Truth is, I missed having pink hair and I missed dying everything in sight. It's funny really, Corey was saying the other day that when I first met him, the first thing he seen was my pink and blue hair. It was a little confidence boost because he didn't see me as the only girl, or being fat or anything else. So before I babble on any more, lets dye haiiirrr.!

I used 4 hair dyes and a shit load of conditioner. Make sure you use a white one or you won't get the true colour of the dye. I used a really cheap Asda one for 80p. Honestly, it doesn't matter because you're going to mix it up with dyes any way. The dyes I used was directions* lilac, lavender and turquoise and Live colour XXL 93.
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For this blog post I used a old extension to show you how each colour comes out. Now I get that your hair might react to the dye differently but this will show you a bit better than the photos you get the with dye. The first one I'm going to show you is on a mixed hair extension. This meant that it is a blend of real and synthetic hair. I tried to dye this piece first and it was just awful. It didn't take at all and washed straight out. So if you have semi synthetic hair extensions and want to use any of directions dyes, I wouldn't because they don't dye at all. There maybe other products out there but not this one. thought I'd just mention that before you all waste money on hair dye which will do nothing apart from dye your hands.

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This is when it was 'developing' which was a waste of time. I think I dyed my towel more than the actual hair.

The next photo will show me wrecking my actual hair extensions which I wore to prom. I got these off Ebay for really cheap, they are just plain blonde real hair extensions (not sure if they are Remy, probably are.) In all of these I used dye straight from the pot but on my actual hair I used conditioner. I used all the colours i chose on this extensions.

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This is with the flash on. The colours go XXL 93, turquoise, Lavender and Lilac. As you can see, the real hair took so much better and I'm totally in love with the colours. I did find that the XXL was thick and did need to be worked prior to me applying it, but I explain more in my pastel princess post!

My hair is an array of colours and shades of green and purple. I will, soon post a picture of my hair but my hairs wet and I cant really be bothered to dry it.

basically, if you want to dye your hair a funny colour go for it! I love it and I love that I look like a walking rave.

Dooo ittt!


X x x


  1. Can't wait to see more photos & so nice to see another Cumbrian gal !

  2. Thank you!! There needs to be more of us Cumbrians doing our thing for the Blogging community, lets show them southerners what we have! Drop me a quick email if you like, I have a Idea! tayloranna97@gmail.com


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