Teenagers, What lovely people we are!

Teenagers. We all were one. Some of us are still one. We scare old people and Rob banks, we wear hoodies and drink in bus stations. We are known for asbos, we are known for spitting on streets, acting silly whilst drunk and being complete idiots. Teenagers, what wonderful creatures.

But the thing is, you, you reading this shaking your head and tutting to Jimmy at in his chair, were once all of them things. Maybe you didn't do the things we do or listen to 'that racket' but you were once a teen who annoyed the older generation. So don't you think your teen life was any less messed up as ours. But we aren't all like that and I think it's wrong. I don't spit, I don't have a asbo and as far as I know I don't scare old people and I certainly do not drink in bus stations, Vulcans park is much classier. So why do we all get tarnished with the same brush? How unfair is that? How fair is it to criticise the majority on the minority? Because, you never see the media congratulating us on all the wonderful things we do. you don't say well done when we do our best. No, because you will always just see the worst side of us. the side which is horrible and hardly even happens. We are human, just like you, and we are sorry for our mistakes.

I, Anna Taylor, 17 and 10 months, don't do them things because I was brought up to be better. be not to the nasty things people my age do. I feel sorry for the kids out these who never got to have people in their life like me. Lets just remember that, that isn't the kids fault. they never asked for this. I was taught what was right and wrong and how to act in public. Some parents fail at this. The older generations fail to recognise that I'm also scared of my generation and that I wish they would pull their pants up, stop spitting, swearing and just stop shouting every time they walk past my house. Unfortunately, you nagging at Betty at bingo isn't going to help the situation. All it's doing is pissing us teens of even more. Meaning that we won't listen, that's if we even do now.

I wish everyone would be polite and say hello and thank you and I wish everyone would get on and be nice but I also wish for a lot of other things, doesn't mean they can come true. Its unfair that because a small majority of people have some things what are "wrong in the name of society" doesn't mean we all are horrible. By saying this doesn't it make society wrong, don't we need to ask ourselves why we do what we do? Why we put down the next generation, the upcoming generation. The generation who are going to be in charge of your future when you're really old.

Teenagers will always be kids, it's what we do. Don't expect us to be adults and treat us like children. All we ask for is just some leeway, is it that hard?

I've done this blog post to speak out, for everyone. For every teen who is out there, no matter what their situation is. We're not that bad, guys!

X  x x


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