Why Anna should NOT drink.

I went to a party on Saturday, it was very good and I got... Happy. I mean drunk, okay I got drunk. Me and alcohol don't mix very well, at all. I tend to do stupid things when I'm under the influence of wine (or any type of drink to be fair, don't just blame the wine.). I thought it would be fun to tell you 5 of the most embarrassing things I've done whilst drunk. I may regret this in the future.

  1. I phoned my ex and told him how much of a arse he was and then ordered a bbq chicken pizza to his house. He obviously knew it was me but by the morning I'd completely forgotten about it until he phoned me to shout at me and tell me I was horrible. Guys, it's not that bad. Come on.
  2. This wasn't whilst drunk, but I got dared to get my nipple pierced whilst drunk because I didn't down my pint (yes, pint. I'm obviously born in the wrong body!) in time. So I got it done and it's been a pain ever since. Really, don't get it done, ever.
  3. I pee'd in a puddle. I needed a wee, there was no toilets in the middle of Westfield. so I pee'd. I'm not sorry because who hasn't had a wee in a public place when drunk?
  4. I got that drunk at my friends garden party that I threw up all over myself, all over her Mam and her garden wall, all over my bedroom, basically everywhere I went. I can't actually remember going to this party because I was so drunk. Never drink whilst on a empty tummy. Sorry Zoe!
  5. So it was the first time I'd gotten drunk, my first house party I think. I had a bottle of vodka, two bottles of wine and 4 cans of some sort of beer. And I thought I could drink it all. Well I was wrong, very wrong. I can't even tell you how awful I felt when I woke up, on the floor covered in sick and vodka jelly. My ex had been phoning me to see if I was alive because I had been crying. This night was probably one of the most best nights I've had, but that hangover. No amount of chicken nuggets and strawberry milkshake would have fixed this bad boy. 3 days it took to get over, and I had to go to school on the Monday!
I can bet you any amount of money someone is going to comment or message me and tell me that I'm not old enough to drink and that I shouldn't be encouraging people to. So this is a disclaimer right here. If you're going to get drunk, fall around the spot and be sick everywhere, don't blame me. Everyone drinks under age and that doesn't make it right but then again, some 15 year olds act better drunk than a 50 year old. If you're going to be drinking, make sure you're safe and you know what you're drinking. You all know what to do, you're not stupid.

I hope you can all have a laugh at drunken Anna. I also like to snapchat when I'm drunk, then I'd wake up and find 40 seconds of Anna trying to open a bottle of wine or Lisa having a wee. The usual.

Be safe!


X x x


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