July faves! | Unicorns and Fairy Dust.

July favourites, after you guys have asked me so many times! It's not all beauty, as you'll soon find out!

Umberto Giannaini Over night Beauty Moisture Balm.

Can we all just have a minutes silence over this? It is amazing, utterly amazing and it's now fully embedded into my hair routine.. That's when I remember I have one. As you all know, I have bleached my hair quite a bit and the bottom of my hair has got it the worst. This balm is light so it doesn't have your hair greasy and heavy and it actually works! I've tried countless others and nothing works at all, they seem to work at the start but actually, the shine is just pure grease and we haven't got time of that! I have the travel size and it seems to last for ages, you can get the full range of this product and others by the same brand at Boots or at the website. As always, I'll link everything down below!

Ickle Baby Bot Bath Bomb, Lush

Did I steal part of Coreys present to use on myself? Maybe, do I regret it? No. if you are wanted a bath bomb which does all this fancy stuff and makes glitter appear everywhere, maybe this isn't for you. When you put it in the water you'll get disappointed, I know I was. It was gone in 5 seconds and it didn't really change the colour of the water. I was thinking to myself why I've even bought this. Then I stepped into the water or bath, whatever. Oh my goodness, the smell! If you like lavender this is the one for you, it's just stunning and so calming! Some of my favourite bath bombs at the moment, for them times when you just want to relax and not be covered in glitter.

Denim jacket, Newlook.

So this isn't technically mine, it's my cousins.. Which I borrowed two years ago. sorry! Over the past month I have loved this jacket/shirt. It's just the best, I have no idea how much it cost when bought, but Newlook have then in right now, a shirts a shirt right? If you know me personally, you will know that my style can go from wearing flowers and listening to Lana Del Ray to wearing black, docs and listening to Black Veil Brides. Yes, for all of you which are now chocking on their coffee, I still listen to them, no, it wasn't just a phase. This jacket does with anything and everything. Go. And. Buy. It!

Magnum Golds/ Champagne.

I never said this was a clothing and beauty favourites! My family are obsessed with these things, we must have them 3 times a week at least, not that I'm complaining or anything. This picture makes me feel sick though, look at how they are eating the Magnum!!! Noppppppe! This is totally the wrong way to at it, so if you do eat it like this, please leave and never view this blog again. (I'm joking, I need all the viewers I can get, so I can get paid and go to Germany for Christmas. Love you!) You eat the chocolate first and then the ice cream, god! Any ways, you can get these in most supermarkets in the UK, not sure about America? Can some of my american views please tell me? Or anyone in a different country? If you don't, I'm sorry, but you are seriously missing out!

Dirty, Lush.

You all know how much I love this stuff, I done a full Lush haul on it! My hair is naturally curly/wavy/does what it wants, so this cream just chills it out a tad. It's matte so we don't have to worry about looking all shiny and disgusting. I use this if I've curled my hair to give it more texture and body. It's also really good to rub all over the hair before you start a scruffy bun, makes it look a bit more scruffy, but put together.

Barry M matte nail polish.

I hate matte nails, they look horrible and they are everywhere. Well I thought this until I bought this by mistake when I wanted a gel nude polish. I can't say I'm totally in love the matte because I still think it's naff that you have to buy a separate top coat for it, it's more the colour I'm in love with, its not the average summer colour but it's defiantly something different. You could totally work this up with a glitter polish or something (Separate blog post on glitters soon.). I love Barry M and his collection, so cheap yet so much quality!

Rimmel London, BB cream.

It's summer, or it should be summer, here in the UK our weather is going through a mid life crisis and is trying to cover all seasons in one month. I don't really like wearing my Estee Lauder or Mac on a normal day and I find it's too much coverage, something which I never thought I'd say. This is a moisturiser, pore filler, primer, foundation and a bunch of other stuff which I don't really care about. All I want is something which will reduce redness but still show my skin, which I hope will be as flawless as ever. If not, some concealer might have to come out! This is cheap.. Ish. There is others out there which do the same, but I've only ever picked this on. Have you ever tired any others and thought they were good or bad? Let me know!


X x x

Lush, Dirty hair cream: https://www.lush.co.uk/products/dirty-1


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