Southfield is 'Simply the best.'

A quote which is forever engraved into my head and heart. Mrs Bristow made it our Derwent saying. Even though in my 5 years of going Southfield we never won sports day, damn you Grassmoor!

This blog post is dedicated to Southfield Technology College, the wonderful place it is.

I read fabulous and us and their post perfectly summed up Alisons 'stay' at Southfield. So now it's my turn to have a re-cap on the one place I called home for many years.
I had Nutella on toast in Paris on the day we were going to the Eiffel Tower and this Happened! I'm still amazed 3 years on!
Please don't kill me for putting this on... Love you!
I started in 2009, which seems like forever, High School Musical had been out for 3 years, Finding Nemo had been out for 6 years and Gordon brown was Prime Minister and I was shit scared to go to 'big school', Southfield held these induction days so you could see who you would be spending the next 5 years of your life with and I laugh every time I remember it. My last names Taylor, nothing strange about that. But when names were being called out another Taylor popped up. Heather Taylor, who soon became one of my friends, really good friends. I can remember looking around the hall for this other 'wannabe' Taylor, Silly, I know.
Spot the Anna!
Southfield wasn't just a school, it was a place which carried so many memories, from me making a lion mask (well my Mam did but I brought it into school.), to going to Blackpool with Hayley and this girl going to hospital because she really hurt her back. not forgetting going to Paris and Germany with my best friend Caitlin, and having the most amazing times. I can honestly say I loved school, no matter how many arguments me and my friends had, no matter how many times someone said something nasty, I loved Southfield.
I also got to inherit 2 fish, names after my dear form friends, Ewan and Kieran. Kieran died on my chemistry exam last year and Ewan died a few weeks back. They done all right for two form goldfish which were bought in year 10! I don't know any other schools which allow form pets. I say that, but I'm not totally sure we were. I was head of School Council among other boards where I got a name badge, so I could do what I want. The school always held an awards night, you know 'best at maths' and so on. Well I won the leadership award, because I'm bossy. I won a fish, you heard that right. a real life Goldfish which I called Lynda after my Head Teacher. She lasted about 3 weeks before Wean ate her, Goldfish Problems.

School wouldn't have been school without the teachers and oh my, Southfield was (or is.) enriched with the most talented, kind, hard working and down right awesome teachers ever. I loved all my teachers, even Mrs Walker-Taylor and Mrs Mandale after that made me do P.E.

Lets start off with my Form Tutor, we started off together, both starting Southfield at the same time and left at the same time. She cheered me up every morning, kept me going when I was doing Slimming World, made fun of me because I kept falling in love with the same guy every sing day. She inspired me to be my best, that you don't have to 'look' like something to be something. Because, Miss Hibberts does not look like a Maths teacher like I thought maths teachers looked. Thank you, for making my journey through Southfield amazing. Forever 7DSH.

The next one is a no brainer if you know me personally, this teacher is just amazing and made me truly believe in myself. Mr Davidson, I think he is the most talked about teacher ever. I had him for German and he later became my head of house. On my old blog I mentioned him because I spoke to him when I wasn't sure.He gave me two options his personal opinion on the whole "I wanna leave College." situation or his professional. All I'll say is, I completed College. Sorry Mr D, for kind of failing German... Opps!
Now, I couldn't use her blog as inspiration and not mention the craziest woman I have ever met! Mrs Williamson *claps/cheers/screams*. This teacher is the sole reason I am as bubbly, straight forward and as sassy as I am. Drama was my life, not just the gossip drama I mean acting. Guys, come on, I won The Biggest Drama Queen award at Prom! No matter what your problem was, you could and still can speak to her about everything. She is kind and will always put you first. Her blog makes me laugh even on days where I just want to sit in bed. Keep Sassy Mrs!

When I went to College I was proud of Southfield, I left Southfield when it was in special measures. I'll say what I always say, Education is what you make of it. I left with 2 B's (One in English even though i was predicted a D. So they done something right.) a shit load of C's and one D but we don't talk about that. I worked my arse off to get them grades but I couldn't have done it without the teachers. Them teachers who came in on their week off, who stayed late at night just so you understood what tectonic plates were. People are quick to judge Southfield, quick to jump on the 'It's rough, full of drugs and everyone fails' band wagon. Every single school has problems, just for some reason Southfield's are more known.

I made some of the best friends there, even if I don't speak to them as much as I should. these bunch of weirdos I call friends made my 5 years at Southfield rock. Yes, I did get bullied there, yes it did hurt. But the school never bullied me, the school never called me fat. It was always dealt with, even if that meant that my biggest bully got 'removed' from school.

It makes me sad that it has came to this, that Workington Academy will be built and future generations won't have a clue what Southfield or Stainburn were.

So thank you Southfield, for making my 5 years as entertaining as ever.


X x x


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