I like doing updates, it means I don't have to tell people over and over again about the same old crack. Just a few updates about life, University and this blog. Enjoy!

Life in general.

Now I'm 18 (Did I mention that I'm 18? Well, I'm 18) I can legally go out and get drunk, Isn't that right Mam? I bought a shirt dress from Select because it was cheap and for once I actually felt nice in something. I just felt grown up and I looked my age for once. I had a great night which was filled with Private Bin, fish bowls and me getting stalked by my ex. Classic night out! I was going to take loads of pictures but we just had a really good night and I hardly looked on my phone! Cheers for the great night Caitlin and Jade, sorry about them photos which I 'made' you look at!

The hair of doom.

Okay.. Now don't all shout at me but.. ikindofbleachedbyhairandnowitsgreen.. Okay I'm sorry. My hair faded to this pink/grey colour which, if it was all the same colour would have been lovely. But this is my hair we are talking about and of course it went wrong! I now have blonde hair with bits of really pale green in. Yep! well done Anna. My Mam doesn't know this but she actually is dying my hair tonight so I'll keep you guys updated!

Creative Writing.

As you may or may not know, I do creative writing on top of my Engineering course because I just lovveeee extra pressure! Apart from the fact that I get home crazy late every Tuesday and Thursday and I spend a fortune in Mcdonalds whilst we wait for the bus, I do love it! I missed writing and this blog does make me write.. well type, but I wanted more. People asked me "But what future do you see doing it?" I said that I didn't know because I don't think you have to see a future in something to enjoy and do it. That's not how life works!


I sent off my application form for UCAS and I applied for 4 places. I want to do Architecture a Urban Planning, or how I've been telling everyone, I just wanna design houses and shit. I have a conditional offer which I hope I'll be able to do! It will be even better if Wu gets in as well so we can have rooms next door and we can best friends forever!

This Blog which I love so, so much.

To some people this blog is just a hobby, this blog is just a time filler, waste of space and nothing will come out of it. You're all wrong and let me tell you why. I spend every day searching for ideas, creating drafts, sending email after email to companies and fellow bloggers. I never stop blogging or taking pictures, it's really fecking tiring! So to everyone who's chatting utter shit like "Ohh you just type about make up" or "It cant take you that long" I want you all to make your own bloody blog so I can go and criticise it, weirdos. In the next couple of weeks we are going to have guest speakers, beauty bloggers and maybe.. A GIVEAWAY!

I think that is it for an update, I hope you all liked it. Next post will be on Wednesday like always, see you soon!


X x x

p.s. I tried Urban Decay again, it's still shit. help me internet.


  1. I'm not dyeing your hair, i'm far too busy cleaning up your crap.


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