Having 2 friends is ok, trust me.

I’m not sure where this blog is going to take me, I’m not sure of the content or how I’m going to word it. One thing I am sure of is that this post is going to be a appreciation post, a post to celebrate the fact that I have 2 friends, and I’m okay with that.

I’m okay with having two friends because of what they really are, my friends. These are the two girls who I can text at half 8 at night, on a Wednesday and 20 minutes later we are revving my engine far too loud whilst I try to rap. These are the people who I twine to, get advice from and get me very drunk at any possible second. These are the girls who I send ugly snapchats to, screen shots of strange and a bit sick things to. I don’t need 20 friends; I need 2 friends who I can rely on no matter what.

Now, to the people who have made me feel this way, to the people who had the power to ruin me, to break me; and to make me feel like I had made the worst possible choice. To the people who have pretended to be my friend, who have let me down at every sad night I’ve had, who have ignored my texts even though I always reply to yours. To the people who suddenly changed when I went to Carlisle and made new friends. Shame on you. Because, I can stand tall, with my head held high and proudly say, fuck you.

Because it was me who answered the phone at 4 in the morning whilst your cried down it, it was me who gave you money so you could get home, it was me who used to make sure you were okay, even when you weren’t. And it was me who was going to change, change to make myself fit in, how ridiculous is that?

People tried, but failed to do ‘whatever’ at my 18th party, they failed. I had a great night, I got drunk and realised who my friends were. People ignored my texts for days out, I smiled and went with my other friends, because you know, I do have friends. People slag me off, talk about me and ask “is she a lesbian” when you know what went on and you know how much that upsets me. You know what I did when people try, but fail? I take a deep breathe, wipe the tears away from my eyes because you people are not worth my emotions and calmly say Goodbye bitches!

So to the people who left, vanished from my life but still had the audacity to criticize my life choices, let me tell you a few facts.

1. You know everything there is to know about Dan, so don’t you dare ever bring that into an argument. You betrayed my trust when you all done that and it broke me, it fucking broke my heart for people I love to do that. I may not always get on with him and by gosh sometimes I want to kill the little prick. But, he’s my problem, he’s my ex and don’t you ever think it’s okay to spread shit around.

2. You read this blog because you think you’ll get a post like this, well done, here it is. Although I don’t think you understand the fact that every time you clock in my blog you generate money for me, thanks for that, means more vodka for me.

3. Whoever I go with, talk to or hang round with has nothing to do with you. So fuck off with “he looks old and is bald” are you blind? Can you not see the hair on his fucking head? Why are you that bothered? Because if you were genuinely intrigued about my relationship you would ask me.

4. I have friends; I have lots and lots of beautiful friends who love me for who I am. I don’t have as many as I used to, that’s just life. I don’t go to parties at houses anymore because I’d rather go round town (because I’m legal to do so). I have friends and I’m not even sorry because no one should have to apologise about the fact that they have friends.

You know what’s really sad and I hate myself for it? I would forgive you; I would never see you be hurt or stuck. No matter how many times my friends tell me to cut you out from my life, I cant. I simply can’t because I’m not that evil. You ignored me, left me and cut me out and I was alone. I was sat in a room full of strangers and no one even cared. No one asked, no one messaged me and that really hurts because I care, I’ll always care.

I do have friends, just not as many as before, but I’m okay with that.


X x x


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