2015 favourites!

Last year was a whirlwind of every emotion I could face. But I entered 2016 kissing my boyfriend and eating chips and BBQ dip. I was thinking about things which I used over and over again last year and I suppose you could call them by yearly favourites. I always get told off by you lot for rambling on at the start of a blog post, so I’m going to shut up and let you read it. Enjoy!

Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation in Cool Bone

This is my go to make up product, I’ve tried numerous others, spent a fortune on drugstore and other brands and I still always go back to this. I done a review on this a few months back and I still love it. It’s matte which is perfect for my oily skin (even though on certain times of the month it goes a tad combo), it stays in place for ages and I have been known to just apply some more powder and go out the next day, disgusting I know. It’s got a super coverage and with the right primer it doesn’t sink into pours. What’s not to love about this? Well.. The price.. But it lasts forever so that’s okay, isn’t it?

Dr. Martens

I don’t think there has been a week when I haven’t worn my docs, they are my life. They are so comfy, warm and reliable. I can step through puddles, walk up cliffs (hills, but I’m small and it was big) and do anything I want. I wore them all the way through summer, if you call English summer, summer. I have a total of 4 pairs of docs and I love each and every pair, but my black ones will always be my favourite. Yes, they are expensive but they last for ever and ever. Yes, they can hurt your feet when they are getting broken in but that just means they are good shoes!

Sticky Toffee Pudding

Do I need to say anything else? This pudding will be my yearly favourites each and every year, I just know it. Toffee sauce, warm sponge pudding and ice cream (not homemade but it is normally walls so I’ll let my Gran off) I mentioned this in my birthday post and people didn’t have a clue what I was going on about. I take it people from different countries don’t have this beautiful pudding. I’ve linked my favourite recipe here for you to check out. If you do try it, take a photo and show me!

Lush Fresh face mask in Cupcake

If I only could buy one thing from Lush every time I went in, I would always pick Cupcake. Its rich, moisturising but then gets rid of blackheads and other face demons, levels out your oils on your skin and makes you skin smell like chocolate cake. What’s better? I have so many half-finished pots in my fridge at home because I always got excited and buy a new one when I already have 3 at home. I normally just ignore what lish says about skin type which I know makes you guys angry. At the moment I have quite flaky skin which is rank and a pain in the arse because Double Wear and dry skin to not mix.

Eleanor and Park

I think I mentioned this book in my top 5 books? The link is here if you want to check that out anyways. I just love this book and how it makes me feel, sort of warm and fussy inside. I think Rainbow has portrayed these two characters amazingly and I commend her for that. I can read this book over and over and I still find bits which I have missed out. I’ve actually just borrowed this book to my friend and I hope she loves it as much as me. If you’re into John Green or Clelia Ahern, check Rainbow out!

My cousin Emma

This is a bit strange isn’t it? This is the only person who I only see 4 times a year but I can text “Emma” and she replies “Tell me everything”. She’s a bit of an odd ball, she’s obsessed with horses and calls her dog Minnie. So shout out to Emma! I obviously love all my cousins to pieces but I thought this would make her either laugh or smile (or both) when she read this. Love ya!

Ruby Roo

Oh my Ruby Roo. My little car of freedom and joy, my wheel spinning, revving maniac! Can I say this is my yearly favourite when I’ve only bee driving for 3 months? I’ve had this car from Christmas day and I’ve loved it ever since. To be fair, before I passed my test I had drove it about 3 times, now I’m never out of it! My sliver bundle of joy which I love very much.. Even though I can’t do hill starts!

So there you all have it, my 2015 favourites! I should probably add my boyfriend Austin in there, his best friend Chris, my best friend Jade, Bar 32 for the banging tunes and my Mr K and C. I love you all millions!

I hope 2016 is amazing and I really do hope you’re all sticking to your new year resolutions.


X x x


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