What's actually in Anna's bag (suitcase).

I was very well known in School for having a bag, some may even call it a suitcase. Many people often wondered what I actually had in the bag, and why it had to be so big. As I go to College now, my bag has got even bigger and some days I even carry two bags. Shock horror, I get you.

My bag has every day essentials in for girls and sometimes for boys, and most of the time it's filled with course work and pieces of paper. So today I emptied my bag out and was slightly shocked with everything which came out of it.

  • 2 hair brushes.
  • 4 tubs of lip balm.
  • A shit load of hair slides.
  • Chewing gum.
  • Chewing gum which has came out of its packet.
  • 3 half eaten sandwiches, chilli chicken if you really wanted to know.
  • Paracetamol, I must buy a new packet every time I can't find one.
  • A paint brush.
  • Ruler.
  • Course work.
  • Nail varnish, which I thought I had lost.
  • Mac lipstick, I don't even wear make up to College.
  • Socks, because you never know when you might step in a wet puddle (A wet puddle Anna, really?)
  • Pair of knickers, is this normal or not? I have always done this. Hmm.
  • I lolly pop stick.
  • Wrappers, everywhere.
  • And now this might shock you, seen as though I left school over a year ago... My English revision words.
  • Enough Tampons to stock Superdrug, I need to remember I go to College with some boys. so I highly doubt they will need them.
This really has shocked me and maybe it will shock you and give you a real insight to my bag. I love my bag, it creates me. it's sort of like I associate this girl at College with big hair, and she always skits me because you can see my bag before me. I loved my bag in School because it was handy in the dinner line, I love it because I can put it on a seat on the bus and no one sits next to me. I love it because most of my leavers book was filled with comments about my bag. My bag is as much as me and my snapchat name. If I was prime minister, which would mean I would do a better job than Cameron, but that's a other story. I would encourage everyone to have a big bag. None of this tiny 'purse' bags which really pisses me off. Even at prom I had a big bag, because for one night I wasn't going to change that. And guess what, by the end of the night I had more stuff of other peoples than mine! Big bags rule!


X x x 


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