Summer faves!

It’s that time of day again! Friday tomorrow this is always good! In sat in college, supposedly doing assignments but really I'm listening to Nina Nesbitt, looking at hotels for a break away and then starting this blog post. So today’s subject is actually a question I got asked a few weeks back.

'Anna, what are your summer favourites?'

This is a really hard question and I answer was a bit vaguely because two reasons, one, because she asked whilst it was raining and I hadn't even thought about summer and two, I kind of forgot I had some favourites. So after this slight dilemma, I sat down and went through all my ‘summer stuff’. This won’t just be beauty stuff, its everything I couldn't live without. I've had a few viewers from out of the UK, asking what the hell I'm going on about in some products. This is probably because some items I mention aren't available in other countries, so from now on, I’ll try and find out if you can get it in different counties before I talk about it!

Estée Lauder double wear light

You probably know how much I love Estée Lauder any ways, at winter I always feel like I need better coverage so I switch to the original one, but this one. Wow. It still gives a medium to light coverage but it’s just fab. Really good if you want one of them ‘can’t be bothered, need to make an effort’ days. Which for me, is most days when I wear makeup. This is retailed at £29.50 and I'm pretty sure you can get it worldwide.

Rimmel London Wake me up concealer

If I was to say that I love this concealer more than I love Nutella, I wouldn’t be lying. Yes, it might not be a thick concealer and I use it to brighten up my face more than conceal but this is my face saviour! Especially if I have bags, yes I’m 17 but I still get dark circles. I use this on my eyes, nose, forehead and chin. I think for summer, this is a must have because its might on the skin and brightens up your whole face! This is £5.49 in Superdrug and I'm not 100% you can get this worldwide, I know you can in Canada though.

Urban decay basics 2 eyeshadow pallet

I got this for Christmas from my dad and at first I was a bit undecided whether I liked it for not because it was just bland. I wanted urban decay 2 at first. I tried it a couple of times but I just missed the shimmer colours I was used to, then I thought to summer and this pallet could be great for them days where you just want to wear limited make up. This is priced at £23.00 and I think it’s a great
addition to your make up collection. Urban decay is a worldwide company so it will be available for everyone, just pries might vary.

Mac voiletta

I have a slight obsession with purple lipsticks; most of my collection is some sort of purple. I got this at Manchester on New Year’s Eve and fell in love with it. It’s so bright and just reminds me of parties on the beach with friends. You can dress it down or up and it’s just really easy to wear. Only flaw I
have with mac lipsticks is that they seem to go so easily. This one is quite creamy, not a matte so if
you like matte this probably isn’t the one for you, but I love glassy shades in summer. £15.50 is the price of this and I can honestly say it is worth every penny. Mac is another international company so it will be available for everyone hopefully. I did have someone ask if mac was vegan and the answer is no they used to be and some products still are. But please look into this if you want a product and you are vegan!

Water spray mist

No particular brand here, I pick mine up from boots. I hate warm weather, I really do. I burn; get sweaty and the fact I have to pay £99 pounds for some sunglasses makes me hate it even more. Give me winter any day. When I do come out of my living room I always have a waster mist in my bag to
keep me cool, so I can’t melt away and die. You can get these everywhere, they price from £2.00 to £5.00 if you want ones with oils and other ‘stuff’ in. Or if you are cheap, just go swimming and cool

Kalamazoo lush bear and facial wash

‘Anna you don’t have a beard’ got that right kidda! It’s the smell which makes this my summer favourite. Pineapple and just a fresh smell. People go crazy at summer with skin care and feel like they need to have perfect skin, when really you should be doing this all year round. Anyhow, this product is amazingggggg! The texture is like a thick wax but its packed with other good oils and skin essentials to make sure we take care of our skin whilst smelling like pineapples and pina colada. You can get this from lush at £6.50 and it is worth every penny!

Barry M nail varnish

Need I say more? Love every collection he has brought out and it makes me want to buy them all, which I normally do. Every colour can be used differently and I just love him. If I ever met good ol’ Barry id hug him and tell him thank you. Each nail varnish ranges from £3.99 to £4.99.

Costa coolers

Don’t lie to me, who doesn't love a cooler on a hot day? Or even winter if you’re like me. Costa have just brought out a new flavour called strawberry and watermelon and it is seriously summery. Does everyone have Costa? Or is this just a British thing? Let me know own below, I’m interested.

So that’s it! Whilst I have been writing this I've also been looking at places to go at for my 18th. Problem is, most of my old friends are still only 17 and most of everyone else is over 18. See my problem? I'm already going to Paris with my family the day after my birthday, going out for a meal with my ad and his family when I come back, going for another meal with everyone else from college. Any ideas? I don’t want to leave anyone out but I do not want to have a party, plus I haven’t got any friends to have a party. I've been hinting for Corey to take me to new York for my 18th but so
far he just laughs at me. Hmm okay.

See you Tuesday! Hope the exams are going well, only a few left now.



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