My first time


1. FIRST Youtube video you ever watched?
I've just went through allll of my history for this question! It was a sims 2 cheat tutorial, because who has time to actually make money?

2. FIRST person you subscribed to on YouTube?

3. Do you still talk to your FIRST love?
Yep, every day!

4. FIRST kiss?
Mam, please don't read this. Don't tell anyone, but it was the bus station. Classy, I know.

5. FIRST alcoholic drink?
Shandy when I was about 2.

6. FIRST car?
Ford fiesta, called ruby roo.

7. FIRST job? 

8. FIRST pet?
Dog called Fred.

9. FIRST celebrity crush?
Zac Effron, wasn't he everyone's?

10. FIRST real boyfriend?
Again, mam please don't read this. What a shit question to ask. I'm going to say D (I've put D so you can't all stalk him.)

11. Who was the FIRST person to text you today?
Dan, to tell me that I was stupid.

12. Who was your FIRST grade teacher?
Miss Brown.

13. Where was your FIRST sleepover?
Jordie (My old school friend.) done this 'I'm a Celebrity get me outa here!' Best night of my life.

14. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
Tried to find my glasses, so I'm writing this whilst blind.

15. FIRST concert you ever went to?
BBC Big Weekend.

16. FIRST broken bone?

17. FIRST movie you remember seeing?
The snow bear with my Dad. Worst movie ever.

18. FIRST sport you were involved in?
I used to do football and rugby before I decided the sofa looked better?

19. FIRST tweet?
'urgh twitter is rubbish'

20. FIRST Facebook profile pic?

Can we just all remember I was 12, stop judging me.

21. FIRST piercing? 
My ears.

HAHAHA how many of you thought I was going to be going through my actual first time. Please, my family stalk this blog.


X x x


  1. Your first pet was Scrap. And you kissed a bus station?! I hope that's just bad punctuation, or have you got one of those "I married a rollercoaster" fetishis things?


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