I thought I'd take the time and sit down and do a quick update for everyone.


I start college tomorrow, I'm only in for 3 days, woohooo. Down side is that it's three full days, super full days. 2 days I'm on 9 till 6 and the other I'm in 9 till 4. I'm back doing my beloved Engineering with my lovely class, plus a few newbies, who I'm sure will be great and as fun as last years group. My group has gotten smaller, Corey is in Newcastle getting all dirty being a Blacksmith, Ryan works at Nestle, Karl and Dan still work at Nestle but I will only see then 2 times a week which makes me sad. So this year it's just me, Dan, Dan, nice Dan, Wu and Cameron. I'm also starting to do a A level, which is the reason why 2 of my days are super long, God damn me trying to be extra smart! I feel creative writing will help me along with my blog and the content I write and hopefully it will make more friends (maybe some of them will even be girls!) My blogging days will change to Monday and Wednesday. Monday being an advice post and Wednesday to be a beauty related post.

My hair.

I did have turquoise hair and I rocked that for a while, that washed out and I got bored, like I always do. I then went pink underneath and purple on the top and that washed out to this white/.grey colour with a pastel colour under it. Now my hair is pink, I mean bring pink, pink which means I'll never get lost. People ask me all the time if I'll ever go back a normal colour, the answer is yes. Once my blonde grows out, I'm planning on giving my hair a break and letting it do its thing... Or maybe not. Coloured hair is who I am, what's the point in being normal?

My 18th.

Arghhhhh 11 days!! 11 days until I'm an adult and I couldn't be more scared. I've just figured out that if my blog keeps growing the way it is and my money per view keeps going up that I'll have to start paying tax, scary huh? My party is on Saturday, very excited to get very drunk and be very hungover in the morning. Obviously, Paris is keeping me excited for my birthday, I cant wait to hug Mickey Mouse! Lots of things going on, don;t worry though, I will show blog appropriate pictures.


As some of you might know, my blog is sponsored by certain companies and brands. Lush Cosmetics, MAC, Netflix and The Body Shop are the brands which sponsor me. This does not mean that my blog is going to turn into cliché blog with Autumn look books and girly and pretty things like that. If you want that sort of stuff, head over to another blog because you're not gonna find it here! This just means that every now and then I'll use on of their products in a post or I'll be paid to review a certain item, just like my Lush one. I'm very lucky to have these sort of sponsors and I'm very proud of out little community. Remember, hard works pays off.

I think that's everything I need to update you all on. Are you all ready for School/College/Uni? Getting up at 6 every morning is going to be a shock!

Good luck everyone, have fun, make friends and don't be scared to be yourself.


X x x


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