Look at me now- One year on.
I often spend most of my nights looking at old photos because I have no friends and there is a limit of how much Netflix you can watch without going crazy.
Timehop reminds me every day how much I've grown, not much in size but as a person.
Last year I was sitting alone on a bench at dinner time thinking "What the feck are you doing here Anna?" This year I'm sitting with a bunch of freaks who I love dearly, eating Nandos and actually have something in common with them. These people, these people are my friends, not my acquaintances.
Last year I hated my body, I'd put on all my weight and I wasn't in a very nice place. This year I love myself, for once I actually love myself and it's great. Go Anna, go!
Last year I was holding on to my old friends by the skin on my teeth, literally doing anything to keep them. I failed, obviously, because now we don't really speak. That's okay, because I have new friends and a new life and so do they. This year I realised that it's okay to let go of people you've knew for 5 years plus, it's okay to leave the nest and be yourself.
Last year I went out with a boy who changed my whole perspective of being in an relationship and what to expect. This year I've figured out that it's fine to be single and I don't need to be in a relationship like everyone else. Singles always better, right??
Timehop reminds me every day how much I've grown, not much in size but as a person.
Last year I was sitting alone on a bench at dinner time thinking "What the feck are you doing here Anna?" This year I'm sitting with a bunch of freaks who I love dearly, eating Nandos and actually have something in common with them. These people, these people are my friends, not my acquaintances.
Last year I hated my body, I'd put on all my weight and I wasn't in a very nice place. This year I love myself, for once I actually love myself and it's great. Go Anna, go!

Last year I went out with a boy who changed my whole perspective of being in an relationship and what to expect. This year I've figured out that it's fine to be single and I don't need to be in a relationship like everyone else. Singles always better, right??
I look back at Anna from all ages and all different times in my life and I just smile at how stupid I was. At the fact I thought I would leave school with all my friends, that I thought I'd fall in love with that boy and have babies and get married all at the age of 12. At the fact I thought I looked cool with black hair and wanted to shave my hair. At the thought of me wanting to move away to Birmingham at the age of 16 when I miss my Gran if I haven't seen her for more than 3 days, when I think James has hung himself if I don't hear him and when I get sad when I don't get my weekly picture with Oscar.
You don't think about how much things have changed because they happen so fast, times moves so fast. It's October tomorrow, as in we have not long left until Christmas and then the New Year.
I'm proud of Anna now, I'm proud of what I've achieved and what I've done. I'm proud of my self and my ambitions. Maybe I am still a bit insecure and I hide it whenever I can, but I'm still proud of how far I've came.
If you're reading this, no matter what your age is, sit down and just think about last year. Think about how far you've came and how things have changed, maybe for the best, who knows.
I hope you have a wonderful week (What's left of it any ways) and I'll see you on Monday!
X x x
Oi! Mention me! You goonie!