Happy Anniversary!
I still find it strange that it's been a whole year since I first encountered the world of Engineering. A whole year since I first took a giant leap into the unknown and very nearly backed out. And most importantly, I can't believe or even understand because it's that crazy that I've only known Corey and co. for a year!
I thought it was crazy when I finally got my certificate through and I seen that hard work, tears, tantrums and a shit load of Millie's cookies and hugs off Dan pays off. When I seen my grade I was so happy and I wanted to throw my results in the face if the guy who made me rethink this whole adventure. Now, if you're new to this blog, please go and check out my Engineering student blog post. If you're lazy and can't be bothered though, I'll quickly explain about these guys.
It was my first day, I was alone at this point and had no friends, no friends full stop to be fair really. These guys were sniggering at me, really loudly and making me feel really uncomfortable. Then this guy came over and patronisingly said or asked "Erm aren't you suppose to be in beauty or some shit like that, or are you a lesbian?" I was utterly mortified at this comment and it threw me because I didn't know how to respond. Sassy Anna soon kicked in and said "No, I'm in the right place, thank you."
I never once thought that these guys would turn out to be my best friends. The guy who I thought was a dickhead and I wanted to kill and never see again was called Corey.. As in my Corey. The guy who I love, who stood by me even when I was in a relationship, who's watched me break down, who's heard my morning voice. The Corey who lives two hours away but never misses a single morning text. My Corey, my one and only. The other guy turned out to be Cameron, my little shit bag who's amazing at CAD.
I've asked them both to sum up our friendship and what they first thought of me for this blog post, I cried, a lot. I've been through so much with them, they have all seen me break down in tears when a certain boy nearly broke my heart, seen me dance around G16 and after all that. After all of that I never really thought I meant that much to them.
"At first, when I seen Anna I thought "Oh god another girl who's going to fail and make me do all the work, great." Well I wasn't wrong, she did make me do most of the practical because Anna hates anything like sparks, dirt and just practical in general. When I first met her I thought she was really shy and kept herself to herself, how wrong I was because she never shuts up! I am really sorry and I tell her every time she brings it up, because I know how much it did upset her and how very nearly I messed her whole life up. She annoys the shit out of me with her constant babying. I love Anna to pieces and I'm so glad she didn't take my stupid speak to seriously. You go baby girl."
"I can't honestly say I'm Anna's best friend because as much as I love her, Corey can handle her hormones way better than me. I won't lie, I sniggered at Anna when she first came into college, I thought it was a joke because let's be real right now, she looks anything but an Engineer. I didn't take her seriously so I didn't make an effort. That was until a month in and I kind of realised 'Shit she's still here, oh she looks kinda cool'. I am sorry but in someways I'm not because I think we all made her more determined to prove us wrong and like she said, shove the results in our faces. Anna is the best engineer out there under 5ft, 100%."

It's been a journey of a lifetime and the best part is that I have another year! I've had ups and downs, drinks spilt on me, friends disowning me, spending my birthday alone, bear hugs off Corey and proving you all wrong.
If you want to do something a bit out of the ordinary, a bit wacky, spontaneous and you wake up on a Wednesday and think "I wanna be a vet" GO AND DO IT. Just do it, don't think about the back lash which may come, don't think about anything negative, just do it.
I wouldn't change that day if I could, I wouldn't change what Corey said, I wouldn't change my hair colour on my college pass or the fact I spent most of my wages eating m&s hosin duck wraps. Last year was perfect for me. I don't regret meeting my ex on the bus 300, becoming addicted to Lush, it all made last year even more enjoyable.
So here's to another year, of bitch fights, kissing in Bitts park and finally turning 18.
X x x
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