6000 SUBS!!

6000 Subs!!
This post probably won't make sense, sorry. Even though I've been blogging under the name as Unicorns and Fairy Dust for a long time, I still find it weird that people read it. I find it even weirder when people read it who I'd never expect to. I still think they are taking the piss when they said it was a good post this week or they message me to tell me that the post really helped them.

I'm no way Zoella or Gabby or even Tanya burr. I'm Anna and I blog about things which get on my nerve and the fact that I'm fat.

This post is a thank you post, a post to say how much I love you all and how much you all have changed my life. Yeah it is nice to have this as part of my job, it's lovely to get free stuff but I never set up this blog to get that, I set this up to help you. If you're reading this and contemplating whether or not to make a blog, do it. Even if you never publish a post, just do it. I have 30 unpublished posts because I know they are just rant posts or they are unfinished.

I want to say thank you to my Mam for reading my post ever week and leaving her usual comments, my family for being behind me, my friends for texting me every week to see what the post is about and most of all, I'd like to say a huge thank you to that boy who reads my posts and quizzes me on who the man of my dreams was. Cheers for reading!

Obviously to you guys, all 6000+ of you, thank you for changing my life forever. To all my lovely blogging friends who I've made on the way. To Dreamers2doers for introducing me to so many talented people.

I may be fat, slightly annoyed because I never get a text back, tired and I get hangry very often (yes I mean hangry, angry hungry) but I do love this.

I'm never good at thank yous, here's to many more posts!

Love you all.


X x x


  1. If only there was a way that I could circle all of your grammatical mistakes with red pen. And you are not fat! For God's sake get it through your head that you have curves. We're supposed to have sticky - in bits and sticky - out bits. Embrace your curves, rejoice in the fact that food is good, and stop listening to perm a tanned, extended haired tossers who feed their ego on other people's insecurities.
    That is all.
    Love Mam


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