I do Engineering, but I'm still straight.

I get a lot of messages, emails and comments about my sexuality; because I do engineering. People new to my course asked me and I can see why, but that doesn’t mean it’s right to ask.

At college I am the scruffiest person ever, I’m lazy, I talk about un-lady things and I quite happily eat a burger, chicken nuggets, strawberry milkshake and a mcflurry in front of the boys. But I’m still straight.

I am basically one of the lads and I get told things which are disgusting and probably shouldn’t be told to girls, but I’m still straight.

I wear docs, a staple piece of footwear which I love and I get recognized by. I wear black but I’m not a Goth, I wear docs but I’m still straight.

90 per cent of my friends are boys, they know me better than anyone, I hang round with them, fist pump them and tell them off when they swear in front of me, but I’m still straight.

I genuinely do have a strange passion towards designing buildings and bridges, I love working out mathematical equations about loads and water pressure. I like the fact that a triangle is structurally stronger than a circle, but I’m still straight.

I straight because a course doesn’t define who I am, a course doesn’t mean that I’m going to fancy girls, and change my life. It simply means that I said goodbye to stereotypes and said hello to a happier Anna. Because no matter how scruffy my hair is, no matter how unkept my eyebrows are and no matter what course you are on or what you plan on doing in the future, that does not define your sexuality.

I’m Anna, I do engineering and I’m straight and I’m sorry if you can’t get your head around that.

Be who you want to be, not what others assume you are.


X x x


  1. I actually have no quirky comment to make, but I had to type something.


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