Christmas want list- 2015

Christmas is on the horizon and I'm getting very excited, Costa have their Christmas drinks out (minus the Hot Apple, to mine and my Mams great disappointment). Around this time everyone tells me "Anna, I just don't know what to get you for Christmas!!" "Money, I'm poor."

Below I have created my top 5 things I wish to receive off the big fella, I don't care if these are a bit strange, I want them, okay??

Okay, so maybe this one is the most unlikely present I will receive but a girl can wish! I love Unicorns as you all may (or should) know. I have 5 Unicorn teddies on my bed at all time, apart from when Austin is staying because he just throws them on the floor- how rude! I would be a very happy girl if I could pet a Unicorn and call it mine, so Santa, you better get your thinking cap on!

Urban Decay ultimate palette
This palette has been floating around the internet for a while now, I hate a very known love at relationship with Urban Decay but recently I've started to love their make up. even though I'll still always have a little bit of hate towards the Smoky palette. I neeeeddddd this set in my life, please family/friends/Santa/blogging fairies.

Pandora Princess Ring
This one is aimed at the Boyfriend, i loooovveee youuuuu. Or anyone else who wants to buy me a Pandora ring, I'm not that bothered. I just think this ring is so cute and I'd actually love to just shove it in peoples faces when I'm feeling extra sassy. If all else fails, I could just buy it myself but I don't think that's the point of Christmas, to buy yourself something?

Princess Anna Dress
My names Anna, her names Anna, I'm Anna... I'm a princess. Why don't I have a dress?? Or a crown?? Or a Castle?? What's this all about? Someone, anyone, please get me a dress so I can dress up and sing Frozen songs in my bedroom whilst waltzing around. Okay, thanksss.

Do you have a Christmas list which doesn't contain socks, slippers, food or alcohol? (These are all acceptable though, I love new socks.)

Have a wonderful week!


X x x


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