Engineering Updated: My final year.

I made this blog to try and change peoples perspective of Women in Engineering, or in fact, anyone in any career path which is deemed "strange". I've done various blog posts about my story and you can find them here, here and here.

This blog post is a update on them all really, a look back of what has happened and a big, fat thank you to everyone who's made me very happy.

I made it very clear from the start that I hated the course I had chosen. I hated early mornings, I hated the course, I hated a full day of maths on a Monday and most of all, I hated being alone.

As you all will know, I met two boys who changed everything and then shortly after I met my new friendship group #chicken4thewin. over the past 18 months things have just gotten better.
  • I finally got that pass, the pass which everyone thought I wouldn't get.
  • My friends are as strong as ever, maybe even stronger. they are my only friends now everyone from Southfield doesn't really speak to me, but no hard feelings...
  • Getting a boyfriend proved that I'm not a lesbian, even thought I shouldn't have had to prove myself any ways.
  • I made a group of new friends thanks to my new found confidence.
  • I made this bog into a business and I'm so proud.
But most importunately, I made a small change in society. the amount of people, male and female who have messaged this blog and me personally, to tell me that their opinions on Women in Engineering amazes me. I made this post and I didn't know where it would take me, it was a post which I was never planning on posting, and I'm so glad I did.

I'd like to use this space on the internet to thank a few people...

to my Corey boy, my best friend and my College other half. thank you for them nasty words at first glance, thank you for making me doubt everything and thank you for the amount of cookies, hugs, piggy backs and skype conversations you've given me.

To my K and D, my straw to my berries and my College course saviours. Thank you for letting me sit with you in Maths, thanks for buying me a KFC on our 2nd time meeting. Thank you for making me feel relaxed and loved. You two are truly my best friends and I'll never be able to thank you for what you've done for me.

Thank you to my family, my Boyfriend and my best friend for letting me rant, hugging me when I want to quit and just being so, so supportive.

The route I took wasn't and isn't easy, like today, when I have no motivation, I want to quit and give up and stay in bed. It's draining and sometimes the long days, ridiculously long buses, not to forget the fact it's financially demanding.. well it can all get too much.

When I left Southfield I wasn't scared to leave, I wasn't scared of change and I think that was because I didn't have a bond with everyone. I was just friends with them because I sat with them 5 days a week. At college I do have a bond and I love my boys so much it scares me silly to think about when we leave. What am I going to do without my Corey? Or my Dan or Karl? Who's going to buy me food and let me play with their hair?

Now I'm gonna sound all hippy and 'at peace with myself' but whatever will be, will be.


X x x


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