Sending nudes | is it worth it?

I've teamed up with ChildLine to share my story of revenge porn and the consequences it give you in the end run. Please feel free to share to all your friends. I'm not trying to be a party pooper, but when the police are involved and people start to cry, it is really a party any more? You can report anyone or anything which is making you feel scared, angry or unsafe here.

If you’re from where I’m from, or even from my course. Will you know exactly why this weeks post is about this subject. Sending nudes. I think we all know what this is, if not, let me tell you. Sending a picture or video of parts of your body you wouldn't show your parents. You get me, boobs, penises, willies and down there… I'm scared to say the v word.

Welcome to days society were everyone seems to send pictures of their bits to anyone who will listen. Snapchat is worst, 10 seconds and its gone. Mm, is it? That was the initial idea but then people got their thinking caps on and realised people could screen shot that wonderful picture of you in your bra and have it forever.

So why have I decided to do this post? One of my very close friends is currently involved with the police of revenge porn. He never thought it would hurt anyone, sending a cheeky picture of him at night.. In bed.. You know that this picture wasn’t of his face. He sent it to his girlfriend, never thought about the consequences if it ever got leaked out. Which it did. He woke up and it was everywhere, her friends had shared it, it was on Instagram and all over twitter. It got sent to his Mam and Dad, brothers and sisters. It also got sent to his boss, who was going to employ him. This person can’t even say it wasn't him because he has a tattoo on his leg and everyone knows it.

It really makes me feel sick that some person can wreck someone’s life, all because of.. Me. I am the reason why she done it, to get back at this guy because we are close. He is my best friend, I would never go out with him. She got jealous; she thought I had taken him away from her. So she made his nudes viral.

Sending a picture might be okay for the moment an you may think that they will never do anything with it. They might promise you and say they will delete it. But will they? At the bottom of this blog I've attached some websites for you to look at. Peoples don’t realise the realistic consequences of revenge porn and sending nudes. The internet is huge and greatly powerful, you will never get the picture back.

If you wouldn't show your Mam every snapchat/ Instagram/ photo you send to your Mam, should you be sending it?

Be safe, have fun and be happy. Just please, don’t send nudes.


X x x


  1. I really liked this post! Great input and very helpful, especially with the links. I, strongly, believe nudes are just not worth it. The way society is now, it is so easy for your pictures to leak on the internet. Truly scary!


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