Q&A with Corey Worey Woo and Nice Dan.

I took to social media to ask you lot what you wanted to ask me.. Or us. We had lots of replies and questions, I hope I’ve got most of them answered for you. Some of them are directed at me and some are directed at these two weirdos who are currently singing Taylor Swift. Let’s go.

1.       What do you all want to do after college?
Anna: Ask me when I’ve finished college. I have so many ideas, aspirations and even more crazy ideas I have no clue anymore. I’m just hoping one of my eggs in my basket will crack open and work out.
Corey: Sure Anna’s already told you, I work as a blacksmith alongside college so I’ll be doing that full time and all qualified and shit when I finish college.
Nice Dan: I’m hoping to study Mathematical Engineering at Salford University.

2.       Who’s the brainiest out of all of you?
Anna: As much as I’d like to say myself, I know deep down that at the age of 18 I still can’t do my 7 or 8 times tables. I know, I’ve let Miss Ferris down.. I know. So for this I’d have to go with Dan.
Corey: Myself, I got a A* in maths, suckers. (This is when I point out that Corey, as much as I love him, actually got a A in Mathematics, but was one mark off a A*.)
Nice Dan: Can I say myself?

3.       Anna, how long have you and Austin been going out?
Anna: 4 months and 24 daysJ

4.       Corey and Dan, how did you react when Anna said she had a boyfriend?
Corey: How are you supposed to react when your best friend, the girl who I loved and cared about for so long kind of abandoned you for a boy? I’m the first one to admit that I was jealous and that I said some horrible things about Anna to her face and behind her back.  I’ll always be happy for her and Austin, because I know what a brilliant job he does.
Nice Dan: Well.. I mean I don’t think I can top Corey’s mental break down. imp happy for her, when Anna’s happy she buys cookies, I like that.

5.       What’s your favorite food?
Anna: I’m sure this has been asked before, probably my Grans sticky toffee pudding.
Corey: Banana and Passion fruit protein shake milkshake. (is that a food?)
Nice Dan: Chicken Tikka.

6.       Are you ever going to be friends on facebook?
Anna: I don’t think people realise that the more they create a fuss over why we are not all friends on facebook, the longer we are all going to be blocked off each others profiles. It’s a running joke because none of us are friends on facebook. Dan and Corey aren’t friends, Karl and Cameron aren’t friends. I have friends; I do not need to see what they are having for tea every night to verify that. Also, that’s what a group chart is for.

7.       Anna, why do you smell nice all of the time? (thanks Karl)
Anna: you’ve obviously been smelling me at the start of the day, try again around 3.
Corey: Because she wears more means aftershave than what’s deemed acceptable.
Nice Dan: She doesn’t.

So there you go, I love doing blog posts with my friends. Even more so because Corey's Mam loves me and makes the best hot chocolate. We love you Alison!


X x x


  1. Corey : I think that you have the coolest job ever and I thankyou for being so good to Anna,but - you have seriously went down in my estimation for having a protein shake as your favourite food ! Next time I make lasagne, i'm sending some through for you all. And i'll send some vicks through, because if you think Anna smells nice,you all have severe nasal issues.


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