My favourite blogs.

A very chilled post, I'm trying to have less swear words and stress... and McDonald. You know, happy mind, happy Anna and all that jazz. Which follows me onto this blog post very nicely. You'll soon see why.

As a fellow blogger I try and aim to read as many blogs as I can, watch as many YouTube videos as possible and try to support everyone. But, I do have some favourites which make me laugh every time. below are 5, check them out and tell them you've came from Unicorns and Fairy Dust and that Anna is amazing.. or whatever.


My fellow blogger, my old teacher (not to make you feel old or anything but I left in 2014..) and a person with a infectious smile and hilarious laugh. I've done a blog post on Fabulous and Us before, you can find that here. I read her content when I'm feeling down or fat or I'm just looking for something to read. She's been absent from the blogging world for a while but I'm almost certain she will be back and this time it will be bigger, better and even more fabulous.


Is Jazz my boyfriend sister which makes her my Sister in Law? Yes. Do we talk for hours about books and make up and bore Austin whilst doing so? Yes. Are we bothered? No, because books and make up, duhh. All that aside her blog is so funny and down to earth. I'd say, if you read this blog and actually like it, not just read it because I post it on my Facebook twice a week and people are nosey; I'd say you'd like it. Even more so if you like reading, coffee and panicking about Uni life.


Nutella.. Need I say more?


The person who inspired me to dye my hair pink, get creative with eye shadow and be a bit more confident. I've been watching her blogging network and YouTube subscribers grow since day one. She's absolutely fab and everyone should go now and watch her... Goooo.


She was the first 'big girl blogger' which commented on my blog and I was totally blown away. She's from my home town but lives the blogging life in Manchester. Her blog and style is vintage/ rock N roll. Basically, what I would wear if I had money. she's worked with some really big brands and she just rocks.

I have loads of cool blogs which I read at night, on the toilet (we all do it, don't lie) and anywhere which has signal.

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X x x


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