
Showing posts from March, 2015

Dealing with Exam Stress

The topic is in the title. Revision, timetables and lots and lots of good ol' exams. Brill! I hated revision and could quite easily play Sims 3 than revise how earthquakes are made (Sorry Mr Haslop!). I drove my whole family crazy with my lack of revision and motivation. Getting C grades can't be that hard can it? Wrong!  Eventually I did revise, so here are my 10 top tips for every student out there! 1. Don't think you will be able to know everything in 5 minutes of opening that text book. Trust me, it won't just all sink in your head with one quick read! 2. Just because your friend can revise from a text book doesn't mean you can! Try new things, I found after me nearly crying because I simply couldn't remember SOH CAH TOA that I learnt better if I read something and wrote it down. 3. Plan when you are going to revise and stick to it. Don't decide at 6pm the night before your English exam you should start revising. It does not work. You will pani...

Body Shop skin care routine

Hiya Guys! As promised, here is my Body Shop routine. I was going to do a haul but all I really buy is my skin care and some body butters for peoples birthdays/Christmas, so it was a bit pointless. I will try and do a mini review on each skin car product though. Firstly, I always use tepid water (probably too cold for every other Beauty Blogger, but I am Anna so.) and then I use the Tea Tree Skin Clearing Cleanser , This product costs £5.00 and for me, it has lasted what seems a life time. I have combo skin as I have mentioned in the past, so when I do have spots my skin really goes for it. I'm talking about a full face of nasty face gremlins here. This Cleanser really reduces redness and strips your skin off all the oil that is hanging about. Only problem with this is, when your skin does start to clear up it can be pretty drying on your skin, so I would only recommend using this when you have breakouts or you have oily skin.  (Photo is from the Body Shop website) Aft...

New dates!

Hi guys! I'm typing this on my school computer, so I apologise if the spelling is off. Soooooooooooo. Next Blog post is going to be my Body Shop Haul! This will go up tomorrow so don't miss it! Tuesday I will be talking about my skin care and the products I use. I will also have a little post on my new Lush things which I bought today. Thursday will be all about revising in the holidays and how I coped/didn't cope. Some tips, advice, general Nanna stuff. As you all know, we are off for 2 whole weeks what is great!! During that time I will be working on my blog a lot more and trying to set up my youtube account yet again! Mwah X x x P.s a lot of people have been asking about my other blog, that's my space to write down how I'm feeling and right now, I don't really want the world knowing my stuff. Sorry guys! Although I did trust my ex looking at it, when a very big chunk is all about him! Maybe one day... just not yet. Have a great Thursday!...

My life as an Engineering student.

As a lot of people know, I do a Engineering course at Carlisle College. Over the past 6 and a bit months I have cried, smiled and made the most amazing friends. This is my story. I am sure most people in my year never expected me to do Engineering, to be fair it wasn't until I seen a advert for Gen 2 I thought about it. My Grandad Dave made me believe that if I wanted to do something, I had to out there and get it. No matter how bumpy the road may be. My Grandad never seen me get on my course or cuddle me when on my first day no one would speak to me. Thank you Grandad, for believing in me. I got into Carlisle College and I thought it was going to be amazing, new friends, new people and most importantly, a fresh start. I am generally a bubbly person and I talk to everyone... Until a bunch of lads from my course came over to me and abruptly told me 'Erm Hair and Beauty is over there.' I was alone. I was scared and i thought that for the whole year this was going to be it...

Lush Haul

So as promised, my LUSH review. Over the past 6 months I have made myself quite a collection of LUSH products. So, here are my 5 favourite products and what I love/hate about them. Cupcake face mask. This is my all time favourite face mask, the smell, the texture and how it makes my face after is yummy! It's got coco in it what helps our skin be the best it can be. For me, it also helps to prevent breakouts and combat spots when I do have them. I only have a couple of downfalls with this product, one being the size of the pot. As you may know this is the mask which you keep in the fridge and the pot is visibly smaller than the normal face masks (Which I also keep in the fridge because I personally think it works better.) Please correct my if I'm wrong but they are also more expensive? Overall I think this face mask is a must have for all skin types and budget. Love, love, LOVE this! Shampoo bar ( Montalbano). This shampoo bar is my hair God send! My hair has been...


Hi!! A lot of people have been messaging me, most of them really supportive and some of them taking the prom post totally wrong. Number one. Under no circumstances am i or have i ever been inconsiderate and ungrateful for all the hard work and money my family put into my prom. People have interpreted this soooo wrong!! I'm finally admitting that maybe spending more on my prom than most peoples first car was a bit much. Number two. I love my friends. I have 2 amazing friendship groups, one who I see nearly every day and love to death and the other that I see not so regularly but I'm still friends with them. Number 3. No. No i am not going to give out my other blog because if i did, I would have to kill you. Sorry. Anyways!! Tomorrow I'm going to be doing 5 lush reviews 1. Cupcake face mask 2. Dirty hair wax 3. Face spray (does have a name) 4. Shampoo 5. Easter bath bombs/melt/carrots Thank you again for all the kind messages, I love you all Mwah X x x

Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU

Oh my! Thank you everyone for actually viewing my blog!! 115 views in the past hour or so is amazing! Welcome my little beauties, I hope you liked what you seen, yes it looks a bit bare but i promise it will look FAB by Saturday! Another thank you, I am honestly blown away by everyone's reactions! Mwah X x x p.s I am also very sorry about the spelling mistakes, forgive me! I am totally blaming this lap top!

What I wish I knew BEFORE prom

Hiya guys! So LOTS of people have been requesting my prom series on my blog, so here it is! This is just what I  as me wished. Some of it won't apply to some one you, but I hope this helps you. PROM VS. EXAM RATIO. Oh man. I so wish i knew this, maybe then I would have revised photosynthesis (sorry Miss Fye!). But really, just remember that prom lasts 6 hours but them exam results last a life time. I would rather have a A in Biology than have my prom hair practice. THEM FRIENDS. Prom is the time when everyone is everyone's best friend and you take sooooo many pictures with people who really.. you hardly know. then they will say 'OHHH MYYY GODD WE ARREE SO KEEPING IN TOUCH' a drunken promise is not a promise, Everyone is friends for the night, I know this. I made friends with all my year but the next day it went back to my normal group. Not gonna lie though, it is good to be friends with everyone for a night. FAKE TAN NO NO'S. I got a fake ...

Forgive me!

I am so so so so so so so sorry!! But i have a new camera, so i should be doing videos like there is no tomorrow! I have made a 'sort' of plan for the videos and series I'm going to make for you. First series This series is going to be about everything skin care, from my daily routine, my 'time of the month' routine, spots, oily skin, dry skin, combo skin, good buys and worst buys, lush haul, body shop haul . I think you all get me. Skin! Second series My second series is going to be about making you feel better, so I'll be talking about getting over relationships, anxiety, depression, school stress and home stresses. As you all know alot of my other blog is about my personal experience with these, now i want to help you! Third series As it will be may and most exams are starting to kick in, I'll be doing a few 'what i wish i knew when...' revising tips, what i did and what not to do from experience. Fourth series This series is going to las...

Blog no. 2

Hello my beauties! I have decided that because so so so many of you are getting confused in my other blog over my personal life and my beauty life I have made a new one! This one is going to be BIGGER and so so so so so much better. Sometime this week I am going to write a blog post on my skin care  and maybe just maybe... LUSH HAUL!! My new camera should be here very soon so I can start up my Youtube Channel AGAIN!! (grrrr). Soooo. I hope this blog is a lot more orgainised and you understand my message! Mwah X x x p.s to all my lovely readers who are reading this and panicking thinking my other blog is going to gte neglected. Do not worry! I will be working my way through both blogs and sometime soon i will give you a date when i will update EVERY SINGLE WEEK GUYS!!   p.p.s I love you all, This is the best stress relief everrrrrrr