Blog no. 2

Hello my beauties!

I have decided that because so so so many of you are getting confused in my other blog over my personal life and my beauty life I have made a new one!

This one is going to be BIGGER and so so so so so much better. Sometime this week I am going to write a blog post on my skin care and maybe just maybe... LUSH HAUL!! My new camera should be here very soon so I can start up my Youtube Channel AGAIN!! (grrrr).

Soooo. I hope this blog is a lot more orgainised and you understand my message!


X x x

p.s to all my lovely readers who are reading this and panicking thinking my other blog is going to gte neglected. Do not worry! I will be working my way through both blogs and sometime soon i will give you a date when i will update EVERY SINGLE WEEK GUYS!!  

p.p.s I love you all, This is the best stress relief everrrrrrr


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