What I wish I knew BEFORE prom

Hiya guys!

So LOTS of people have been requesting my prom series on my blog, so here it is! This is just what I as me wished. Some of it won't apply to some one you, but I hope this helps you.


Oh man. I so wish i knew this, maybe then I would have revised photosynthesis (sorry Miss Fye!). But really, just remember that prom lasts 6 hours but them exam results last a life time. I would rather have a A in Biology than have my prom hair practice.


Prom is the time when everyone is everyone's best friend and you take sooooo many pictures with people who really.. you hardly know. then they will say 'OHHH MYYY GODD WE ARREE SO KEEPING IN TOUCH' a drunken promise is not a promise, Everyone is friends for the night, I know this. I made friends with all my year but the next day it went back to my normal group. Not gonna lie though, it is good to be friends with everyone for a night.


I got a fake tan. I got a fake tan and regretted it as soon as I woke up in the morning and seen that it had gone terribly wrong. If I was to say it was patchy, uneven and then started to RUB off I wouldn't be lying. It was awful and I came so close to calling the whole thing off. But my whole family had just spent £800 plus on my prom and I wasn't stopping now. Truthfully, I wouldn't even bother getting one. I also got my eyelashes done in my prom package... Yeah good luck with taking them off without ripping out your eyelashes. Also, what they don't tell you is THEY HURT. It felt like my lashes were about to fall out. Probably didn't help that i wear lasses.. and on all my photos you can't even tell I am wearing them. FAIL.


Obviously, to a girl this is the most important thing for the day. I, personally has been dreaming of my dress since I knew I was going to have a prom. I went through every dress type, colour, price range... EVERYTHING! I went shopping with my Mam and Gran to 'look' and fell head over heals in love with this purple ball gown. Until that moment I never fully realised how much all of prom was going to cost £400 for a dress might sound a ridiculous amount but I needed that dress. Oh okay, maybe I didn't need it but I wanted it. All I can say is, please please please look at cheaper dresses, look around, don't fall for the first one. I got my dress in August, so from then to July 4th 2014 I had to walk past a dress shop and convince myself I had made the right decision. I don't regret my dress, because in my eyes I looked like a princess and I couldn't care less about anyone else.


I was lucky with my hair because my friend done mine and I loved it. But face it now, your hair is going to look the same as everyone else because a scruffy loose bun with curls is the in thing. Only thing I regret is having something in my hair what made me stand out, yeah a cute little clip with sparkles on is cute, but when you have union jack shoes... meh. I actually completely forgot about my make up until I seen someone ask about it on Facebook, my make up artist was AMAZING, I cannot recommend her enough. she listened to me when I said natural and didn't ignore me and cement my face with foundation and give me slug brows. This is the only thing I personally, wouldn't go cheap on, Although this might just be me being vain.


Shoes, they might look nice on your feet and go soooo well with your dress but they don't look very nice in piles all around your venues floor. As I had union jack shoes and I loved them! Shoes are the only thing you can have and not many people can see (providing you don't take them off, obv.) wear what make you comfortable and don't feel the need to wear heels or flats. Do what you feel like doing.


I didn't have one *cries*. Not going to lie, at first I was devastated I wasn't going to have one. I want every single person male or female going to prom un-dated alone to realise, there is so much more to prom than having a person to get a picture with. I had a fab time without some pesky boy wanting a photo with me and my Mam having that photo in the living room. Just save the money and get a drink there (One alcoholic drink only though).

If I knew this before my prom I would have had a better time, but I wouldn't change my prom for the world. It was perfect for that time in my life. Prom is the time when you find out who are going to keep in touch, friends for life really start to kick in. Big thank you to everyone who helped with my prom. Thank you to my wonderful parents for paying for everything and being the best.

Hope this has answered some questions for everyone! keep checking this blog for my weekly updates and remember that this is my normal blog and my other blog is going to be about my many, many love crushes. Or rants, whatever.


X x x


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