Dealing with Exam Stress

The topic is in the title. Revision, timetables and lots and lots of good ol' exams. Brill!

I hated revision and could quite easily play Sims 3 than revise how earthquakes are made (Sorry Mr Haslop!). I drove my whole family crazy with my lack of revision and motivation. Getting C grades can't be that hard can it? Wrong! 

Eventually I did revise, so here are my 10 top tips for every student out there!

1. Don't think you will be able to know everything in 5 minutes of opening that text book. Trust me, it won't just all sink in your head with one quick read!

2. Just because your friend can revise from a text book doesn't mean you can! Try new things, I found after me nearly crying because I simply couldn't remember SOH CAH TOA that I learnt better if I read something and wrote it down.

3. Plan when you are going to revise and stick to it. Don't decide at 6pm the night before your English exam you should start revising. It does not work. You will panic and nothing what so ever will sink in. Find a day when you won't be interrupted and revise.

4. Knock that damn phone off! Instagram will still be full of pictures of every ones new nails and Facebook will still have the arguments. But that Drama Exam is approaching fast, you get the idea.

5. Reward yourself. Be happy with yourself that you have actually figured out how to do that Math question. Either it be chocolate, shoes or make up. Be proud of what you have done.

6. Have regular breaks, don't think if you stare at a book for 2 hours straight you will learn better. You won't. Actually, you will learn less because you will simply give up and get tired. Have breaks regularly so you won't give up hope.

7. Sleep well. Might sound stupid but I spent so many nights trying to revise and I never slept. I went into so many of my exams half asleep. You should aim to have around 8 hours sleep each night, especially if you have a exam the next day.

8. Stay away from the coffee, energy drinks and sugar! Have you ever seen the Inbetweeners? It will happen. A strong cup of coffee might wake you up but you will 100% feel awful by your exam. Play safe and have water, your body will thank you.

9. Have a bath or something which for a while will distract you from everything. Too much exam stress can be bad. Paint your nails, Play football just chill.

10. Most importantly, it is okay to say to yourself and admit if everything is too much. Don't get that question in DT? Your teacher will help you, I promise, but they can't help if they don't know. You can only do the best you can. Stop freaking out about the fact your friend is predicted A*, they might come out with U's all you know.

Exams are hard, I know. I get that you don't want to be in school on your holidays and I also get that the word revision is practically a swear word. I have faith in every one of you, that on results day you will be happy. If you try that is. Don't let exams predict you, you predict your exams. 

Good luck!


X x x


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