
Hi!! A lot of people have been messaging me, most of them really supportive and some of them taking the prom post totally wrong.

Number one.

Under no circumstances am i or have i ever been inconsiderate and ungrateful for all the hard work and money my family put into my prom. People have interpreted this soooo wrong!! I'm finally admitting that maybe spending more on my prom than most peoples first car was a bit much.

Number two.

I love my friends. I have 2 amazing friendship groups, one who I see nearly every day and love to death and the other that I see not so regularly but I'm still friends with them.

Number 3.

No. No i am not going to give out my other blog because if i did, I would have to kill you. Sorry.


Tomorrow I'm going to be doing 5 lush reviews

1. Cupcake face mask
2. Dirty hair wax
3. Face spray (does have a name)
4. Shampoo
5. Easter bath bombs/melt/carrots

Thank you again for all the kind messages, I love you all


X x x


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