New dates!

Hi guys!

I'm typing this on my school computer, so I apologise if the spelling is off.


Next Blog post is going to be my Body Shop Haul! This will go up tomorrow so don't miss it!

Tuesday I will be talking about my skin care and the products I use. I will also have a little post on my new Lush things which I bought today.

Thursday will be all about revising in the holidays and how I coped/didn't cope. Some tips, advice, general Nanna stuff.

As you all know, we are off for 2 whole weeks what is great!! During that time I will be working on my blog a lot more and trying to set up my youtube account yet again!


X x x

P.s a lot of people have been asking about my other blog, that's my space to write down how I'm feeling and right now, I don't really want the world knowing my stuff. Sorry guys! Although I did trust my ex looking at it, when a very big chunk is all about him! Maybe one day... just not yet.

Have a great Thursday!! Remember its FRIDAY TOMORROW!!!


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