Dying my hair: Pastel Pink Princess.

I love different coloured hair, I love not having brown hair. I don't like the fact that is really takes the pee to maintain and you get dye everywhere! Any ways, apart from that pastel hair; I love it. Carry on reading if you want to see how to get my hair like this for under a fiver!

1). You will obviously need a dye, I normally go for Directions in Flamingo pink but this time I used the Live Colour Bright in '93 Shocking Pink'. As you can see from the picture below it is very pink and not very pastel.
2). You will also need a shit load of conditioner and you need to make sure it is a white one or it won't work. I use the cheapest one I can find and I'm currently using a coconut one from Tesco. The cheaper the better because you are just mixing it with the dye.

3). After you have them two bits sorted you need to out enough conditioner in a mixing bowl (any bowl will do) to cover the parts you need to dye. After that comes the tricky part, adding the dye. Now depending on how strong you want the colour to be depends on how much dye you put in. I personally like it quite pale so I add a little at a time and see how it looks. If this is your first time at pastel hair you might want to take a strand test to see how it will turn out. I on the other hand, just wing it and go with whatever colour turns out. *This might sound a bit obvious but I guarantee someone will ask me this. This dye will only work on lightened hair.*

4). After you have mixed it and are happy with the colour start applying it to your hair, I don't really have a certain way of doing this and it probably changes by which hair tutorial I have been watching on YouTube. Once you have applied it to your hair, Depending on how strong and intense you want the colour depends on how long you keep it one for. I leave mine on for about 30 minutes with 10 of that me applying heat to it.

5). By this step you will have a perfect pastel hair (Hopefully.). I'm going to insert some pictures of my hair when it is a pastel colour, for you too look at!

                      *Left one: Using above                                                                             method with same brand                                                                           just the purple colour
                                                                    (94 Purple Punk)

                                                                    *Right one: Using Directions
                                                                     Flamingo Pink.

Happy Sunday!


X x x


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