Natter with Nanna

Some how I have went off track, sorry about that.

It's Friday and I really can't be bothered with doing a haul because 1. I haven't bought anything new and 2. I have no money to buy anything. Oppppps.

So lets have a natter.

How are you? I'm good, thanks for asking. I had a phone interview for LUSH which i am so so so so so excited about. I also had a massive opportunity for a apprenticeship down in Manchester. I didn't go, but that's another story!

What else? Oh! It's Uppies and Downies today, but I have better things to do than stand in the cold and rain looking at a scrum. Last year was good... kinda! Arguments, drunken teens, vodka in coke bottles and peeing in a bush are just some of the highlights about last year! I wouldn't say I'm too old now because I'm only 17 just I'm always the one with every ones stuff in my bag and I spend half the night checking everyone is alive!

I died my hair as well! Much to my Grans disapproval, in the summer I went a bit mad and died it pink. Kind of done it again, shit. No, it is nice and even my little cousin likes it! I'm dying it again tomorrow after work so I might do a blog post on that, everyone always asks!

I really am thinking of transferring my blog over to word press, it just looks better and apparently is more 'mobile friendly' as most of you look at this Blog by phones. Oh, and that boy on my Profile Picture is Luke, not my brother!

A little about me!
Sorry, I have been that excited over my second blog launch that I have totally forgot to introduce myself! Here is 10 facts about me, so you can get to know me!

I love anything to do with Paris, what's a good job because I'm going there for my 18th.
When I get nervous I bite my lip.
I have 3 fish, Ewan, Fried and Kieran the 2nd.
I used to have 3 jelly pots at school every day.
I have over 200 nail varnishes, over 150 nail glitters and so so so so so many nail gems. I kinda like nails.
I lost just under 2 stone because a boy in my year called me fat.
I got my nipple done as a dare.
I solve all my problems with LUSH and a star bucks.
If I could live like a Sims 4 character I would.
I make it very obvious if i don't like you, really not sorry about it.

There you go! Next update will be Tuesday! So keep a look out!


X x x

P.s, I don't look like my profile picture. Here, have a new photo of me. Oh it's okay, it is no problem.


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