The word 'Fat'.

I don't normally say stuff like this on this blog, but today one word spoken from a man who had no idea who I was or my story called me one word, fat. He implied that it was 'Too late' for me to get a diet coke. This person judged me purely on my size, he didn't know if this was me slimmed down or like I am, ready to start slimming down, yet again.

The word Fat is simply the most disgusting word ever. It takes guts to stand on them scales week after week and find out you have only lost half a pound. It takes courage to go to the gym after 12 months of laziness. Finally, it takes lots and lots of will power to keep on going, to admit that you need to sort yourself out.

I have the guts, courage and will power to keep on going no matter what some random person thinks of me. that one word can make you feel so small and worthless and you feel like giving up and eating a Big Mac.

So this Blog post goes out to every person who has ever been called fat, who has ever felt like you are always the big friend and this goes out to every person who is and wants to loose weight. Your'e awesome and I truly believe in you.

Oh and to that one horrible drunk who said that to me, to every person who has ever called someone fat or even just made a person feel like shit. I feel very, very sorry for you, your'e not awesome or cool or even funny. Someday I hope you feel the pain you have made others feel by one horrible word.

I'm so sorry that this blog post is a tad sad and down in the dumps, I just need to tell someone and most importantly I want everyone to realise this has to stop, please just make it stop.


X x x


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