what to expect when... Going to College.

Hello my beauts! We are coming very close to 1000 views, which for a girl who doesn’t even have that many Facebook friends is pretty cool.

As most of you like my lists and my ‘what to expect’ series, I have decided to do another. This time is what to expect when you go College. This is nothing like my story about my experience with college, so don’t worry that I’m going to repeat myself.

Here we goooooo.

·         Expect the food to be amazing and cheap and did I mention 1005 better than the slop at school.

·         You get to stalk (I mean look at.. a lot.. all the time) at the most amazingly beautiful people ever.

·         Most probably you won’t actually be doing more than 19 hours per week, suck on that 6th form and your 30 hours.

·         If your college is in a city like mine, you will defiantly spend all your money on things you don’t need, like lush and Zoella books.

·         You will start to judge people on the shoes they wear (I already do this though.)

·         Smart boards aren’t very smart anymore and remind you of all them ‘school’ lessons… then you feel old.

·         You will get charged for printing off your coursework and have an argument because you need this but you refuse to pay for paper. You get me?

·         The library is a scary place full of tables and not that many books.

·         It’s nothing like high school musical.

·         You will discover that people have strange fashion sense.

·         Don’t mess with the art students, they are crazy.

·         You get way more breaks than school

·         Finally, you will find out that going to College was the best decision ever.

Next week I’m going to be super busy handing in coursework and making sure I don’t have a breakdown, so please don’t go crazy if I don’t have them up at certain times and dates.

To answer certain people’s questions, yes I will be doing my review shortly but things have popped up and made it a little trickier. Also the fact that college has banned Blogger really doesn’t help the situation.

Another thing is, I know some of you have found out my personal blog which is pretty scary. So if you have read it, I hope you like my rants about boys and snap chat or the fact I’m 17 and single.


X x x


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