The Reality about: Leaving School

I'm not sorry for the fact this post isn't about beauty like I said, but that can wait. This can’t.

Two points I need to cover, I need to talk about this and burst the year 11 expectation bubble. This
bubble tricks you to think that leaving school is a breeze and nothing will change. Everything changes and it is hard, it really is.

Let’s start off with making friends. Easy when you’re 5, not so easy when you are 16. I know this
more than anyone because it took me a long time to realise the difference between having friends
and being someone’s friend. I was everyone friend at school, would do anything for anyone and I
always made sure if I could help, that I would. But having friends, the people who you text when
you’re lonely, phone when you split with your boyfriend. Those people have your back. When I left
school I found out most of my ‘friends’ weren't actually my friends, I was just friends with them.
I left school on May the 23rd 2014 and I cried for about 5 days, I knew what was going to happen; I
just didn't really want it to. I lost contact with near enough everyone, I hate that.
Image result for leaving school

The best way for every year 11 to know what to expect when you’re leaving is make a list, because I
like lists.

* Your leavers book will have lost and lots of nice messages from various people, that doesn't make them your friends.

* People will write ‘keep in touch’ a million times, but they never will or you don’t really want

* Study leave is boring after the first 2 weeks and you will run out of movies and TV series to

* You will most probably eat everything in your parents cupboards because you are bored and
then complain because you’re ‘fat’, you’re not.

* You should probably stop stalking your ex’s Instagram and do that science coursework.

* You’re sleeping pattern will be messed up.

* Prom will take forever to come but after you get into the single figures it goes in a flash.

* You will doubt everything you have ever done and panic because you’re a failure, you’re not.

* You’re school bag will not heavier; seriously, my bag needed its own hallways for the
amount of stuff I had in it leading up to exams.

* Your first exam will always be your worst.

* What’s funny really, because you nearly give up on your last one and run out of will power.

* Signing shirts is the best part about leaving school.

* There will always be one person who draws a dick on your top or leaver’s book, deal with it.

There is so much more you don’t know, but that’s the fun about growing up and leaving
school, you don’t know what’s coming next.

Just be happy, be free and be confident in whatever you are doing, you can do this.


X x x


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