Life advice with Nanna.

There is recently a lot of 'Facebook famous' kids going around with videos offering words of advice which are utter bollocks. Literally, piles of shit. So, because my network is growing and has a hearty number of supporters right now I thought I'd embrace the inner 80 year old woman in me and give you some life advice. That's right kids, Nanna Anna is back on the scene.

  1. GCSE at your at your age, assuming that the age range who reads this blog are around school age are the most important thing you can have. I don't care what people say and I don't care if "Richard Branson left school with no qualifications." You need them. Botoxs and fillers and being pretty will not provide food for your family of make your bank account overflow with money. Yes, even models actually need qualifications, to work at Mcdonalds you need GCSE. Ignore these idiots who are brain washing the generation of today with nonsense.
  2. Results day will be the hardest day of your life and you probably will have aprox. 6 nervous wees before collecting them. Just think, it's done and you cant change what is printed on that piece of paper now. Plus, resitting isn't actually that bad!
  3. Don't ever feel like you need to copy others to fit in. I don't, I have pink and purple hair, wear doc martens and some days I act like a total chav and sit in my room and listen to house music or even worse.. Donk. It's fine to be different, totally and utterly fine!
  4. College is scary, new places are scary and making friends at the age of 16 is the scariest feeling in the world. Forget about the first day and focus on the second because that's when people are more relaxed and you can finally be friends with people. Trust me, it's true.
  5. block your ex's number when drunk, you don't need the hassle. I do all the time because I know the truth comes out when I'm drunk and I end up in bother because I've text my ex something a long the times off "If you actually loved me you would have gave me a reason. I hope you choke on that vodka. Byeeee." Yes, that's an actual text I sent when I was last drunk. Forgive me, I'm 17.
  6. Your friendship group will change, no doubt about that. I tried to hold on to my group as long as possible but now I've realised that it's good that I have different groups to mingle with. I get to meet new people and I can open up to some groups more than others. People walk out of your life for a reason, it just means someone else who is even better is waiting for a place in your life.
  7. To me, age differences are fine as long as you are comfortable with it. I went out with a 22 year old and I was fine with that. I've been out with a 18 year old and I've been out with a guy the same age as me. They all acted the same, and they are all my ex's. Age difference isn't the end of the world, as long as it's all legal and fine.
  8. You will cry when you fail your Driving test, yes I cried, a lot. So much so I phoned my Mam and couldn't actually speak. What did I fail by? An indicator, yep, a bloody indicator and I want to punch myself every time I think about it. I will pass one day, just don't fret over it. I'm thinking at it like it was a practice test.
  9. Snapchat is your best friend and your worst enemy. I've seen some pretty messed up shit on snapchat, dicks, after sex selfies, people passed out with a kebab over them and that one picture where I found out my ex was with his friends when he said he couldn't meet me because he was ill. Busteddd! snapchat is good to see if you have anything in your nose, to send sneaky snaps of that fit bloke in subway and to record the whole of your night out with the gals. Use it wisely because one day it might come back and bite your on your bum.
  10. Stand up for what you believe in because no one else will do it for you. Grab life by its balls and just do it. Make a stand and make a difference, even if that's signing a petition for banning Fox hunting or standing up to that bully who made your life hell because you need to make them realise it's not Ok.
Life hasn't even started for you yet, my life only started last September when I was given a new one and I got to make the most of ever up and down. New adventures are great and you just need to let go of the reins and let it be.

"If life is not the reason to get out of bed and smile each morning, you need to get a new one, one which will make you breathe in fresh air every day." - Unknown.


X x x


  1. I'm sure your ex deserved it - but yes, lock down that phone ;) Also, I failed my driving test twice, got it in the end though :)


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