People who inspire me.

On days like today when I'm feeling pretty shitty, with shitty weather, shitty hair and I'm arguing with anyone who will reply, today's a good day to recap on the amazing people in my life. The people who inspire me.
Firstly I need to start off with my Mam. I love her with every bone in my sulky arse, expensive taste, spotty self. She has bounced back after everything. My Mam and Dad split when I was 2 and she gave me an amazing childhood full of toasting marshmallows in front of the fire when we were skint. it made me realise that money really doesn't make the world go round. I can remember when I was little that she used to come into my room every night to see if I was okay, and I used to feel so loved. Or when it was Christmas eve and I used to sleep in her bed so that Santa could see I was a good girl. I was scared and a little broken when my Grandad died and I thought that this would break her. It made us stronger, closer and so much better. She is forever my bestfriend, my agony aunt, my taxi, my chef and my number one fan. We argue like cat and dog, we hate each other in the mornings and I skit her for the fact she hasn't got any eyebrows. She is amazing though, even on her medically bad days, when she's feeling horrible and can't be bothered to do much, she does. Or maybe that's just because I make her? I want to be like my Mam when I'm older and I want a kid as cool as me!
Another amazing woman is my Gran who is just amazing. She's one of those people who won't lie to you if your dress is horrible or your hair is a mess. Instead, she will pull a funny face which strongly indicated that you need to sort yourself out. Words cannot describe how amazing and how much of a super Gran she is to me and Oscar. She went on holiday, moved house and lost her husband all in the space of 2 weeks, after all that she still smiles every day. I know everyone says stuff like 'If I was half the woman she was.' blah blah blah. But in reality, I'm already half way there because me, my Mam and Gran are clones of each other. And she makes the best sticky toffee pudding, ever. Probably the world to be honest.
Another person who inspires me is Amelia and she is going to hate me for writing this. Amelia is Dans (Big Dan, not Dan or Danny or even Dan D, Big Dan.) Girlfriend/ Fiancé/ Mother of baby Jesus. She is like the big sister I've never had, she's the person who I phone when I don't know what to wear, she is the person who I twine too when Corey or Dan D or anyone else has pissed me off. I've known her since September, but it was only when she fell pregnant with the most beautiful baby ever, that I started to become friends with her. Most of my close friends are boys, in fact they all are. Of course, I have friends who are girls, close friends and friends are different kettle of fish. She inspires me because she doesn't have a Mam or Dad or any brothers. She was adopted when she was 9 month old and her 'parents' weren't very nice. So on her 18th birthday she ran away.. Until she reached Carlisle. Lucky her! She inspires me because she had nothing and how she works for the Police, has a boyfriend who adores her, a baby who is the spit of her and a house which has a TV in the bathroom. She amazes me every day, this ones for you Amelia!

I have load of people who inspire me to be a better person, hundreds of people have. I could go on about my Grandad and cry, but I'm not. I could go on about my Pappy who played for Celtic, but I'm not. You all know who you are, I don't need to mention you all!

who inspires you?


X x x


  1. I have got eyebrows! They're just fair! Love you too x


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