Yes, I'm the only girl.

I go back to college soon which I am so so so so excited about!! I get to see all my friends again, have an actual routine and will be awake before midday. This time last year I was shitting myself for results which turned out pretty good and I was even more apprehensive about going to college. On the 26th of August 2014 I went to college for my induction, which lasted around 20 minutes. That was the day I finally seen who I was going to spend two years of my life with.

Surprise, surprise I was the only girl.. Great. Fast forward to now, I've made friends with most of my course, obviously some of us didn't click and I don't have a interest in computer games apart from sims. But anyways, I love college now and I love the people who I now call best friends, even though they went traveling with me and didn't invite me.nno hard feelings though lads.

Keep reading if you want to find the a to your q.

Do you like being the only girl?
I love being the only girl, can I say that without sounding like I'm a slut? No, I love it and I can't imagine my course with another girl. It's second nature to me now, it's just how the cookie crumbled at the time. Yeah, another girl to complain to about girl topics wouldn't come a miss sometimes but I think when you get out in that situation, you find a friend in your inner self. You no longer need to phone your friends in the middle of new look for their opinions, you grow some balls and just buy the dress.

What do you do in practicals when getting changed?
I get where this questions is coming from but I don't actually get changed as in naked. I put overalls over my clothes so I can do it in front of whoever I want and I don't need to worry about people seeing things. Not going to lie though, wearing a vest top and overalls whilst bending over isn't something I would do again because I realised just how not cool that is. Boys, look away.

Do other students not look at you strange because you hang round with lads?
Yes, oh my Jesus Christ yes. There is a media group next door to the main room and they look at me every single day like I'm in the wrong class. Bitch, I've been here since September, I'm staying!! People normally just think I'm Corey's girlfriend because they normally see the group together and break or lunch so it's not so bad. It's harder to bite your tongue when you can blaintenly see people staring at you whilst you're in overalls.

Do you make more of an effort when around the boys?
Hahahahaha. No. The lads worry about me when I have my hair in anything but a pony tail and wear anything apart from my docs or converse. I don't go out with anyone so I don't need to impress them, this friendship doesn't work like that. They don't make more of an effort for me, I mean Corey normally strolls in with bed head and throws a rush at me so I can sort it out. Just because I'm a girl and they are boys Doesn't mean I have to dress like Sharpay off High School Musical.
Finally, why would you encourage girls to do engineering?
I would encourage anyone to do the course they really, truly want to do, no matter what it is. You just need courage and to know what it might start off shitty and you might get funny looks but I can promise you when you finish and get them certificated through it will all be worth it. I think now I'm going into my second year I will be more relaxed and maybe even more confident. I've handled the worst part, now it's time to have fun with my nearest and dearest. By that I mean eat lots of Millie's cookies and have the best leavers ball ever.

Being the only girl in an male orientated course can be daunting and I totally get it. You need to relax, be yourself, try not to stutter and bribe everyone with sweets and funny stories. Most of all, you just need to grow some serious lady balls and apply to do it.

I go on and on about being the only girl, I know. I'm not sorry though because people don't understand how many hurtful comments, strange looks and how much I really missed my friends. No one realised how much shit I went through to be here. To be quite happily standing here with my best friends, a Level 3 In Engineering which makes me smile every time I see it. I thank my lucky stars every day that I didn't pack in and go to 6th form because I hate the idea and thought of not being in a group with some strange, strange people. You know what? It was worth loosing my 'friends' over, because only my real friends stuck by me.

Don't let other people's views and opinions determine how your career will turn out. Because, I will succeed and I will design a building in London, I know I will.


X x x


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