Top 5 Books!

I love a good book, I love a book which will make me want to read in every possible hour. I love a book which will make me forget about my phone and social media and want to go to bed and read 'another chapter' hmm, haven't we all heard that one before?

I have to admit, my top 10 books are mostly all about love stories or kissing your bestfriend.

Where rainbows end- Cecilia Ahern.
I love this book, more than any other book in the world. I have a copy of it which you cant even buy anymore. I love the start, middle and end of the book. I love each and every letter, text message and email which has been sent. What i don't like is the awful flim which was made from it. To even call it a re make was disgusting, big fat no from and my Mam who got very excited and then very dissapointed. I like that in a book you, as the reader can make up your own images of what everyone looks like, how they eat their dinner and how their voices change when they relaise their bestfriend is getting married. With movies, someone else does that for you and i never really felt as if the actors and charactaers fit. Overall this book is amazing and everyone should read it and love it and tell all their friends to read it and love it.

P.S, I love you- Cecillia Ahern
I don't belive anyone who reads this book and says they don't cry, because you are one big, fat liar. What's not to love about this book? Yet agin I have the old, old copy of the book which you can't get. Obviously, you can get to book just with a different cover on. Can you tell I like Ms. Ahern? This book is beautfully written and makes you really think about that 'someone', that they care even if they aren't around you. I haven't watched the movie, because I'm scared it's going to wreck all my expectations like it did with Where rainbows end. I can read this book over and over again and still cry at the same chapter over and over again. It never gets old and it never gets boring, a must read!

Girl online- Zoe Sugg (Zoella)
Me and Zoella have a love hate relationship, but I can give her one thing, she writes a good book! Before anyone of you comments "But she didn't write it, did she Anna?" You really think every book which has ever been written hasn't had some hand along the way? I think poeple seem to forget that Zoe isn't a writter by trade, she's a Youtuber who wrote a book because she wanted to. Now on to the actual book, it was one of them that by the first page I was hooked. I wanted to know more, plots started to develeop in my head and theories started to emerge. I was well and truly in love with the book so much so that I read it in a day and a half. yep, a day and a half of non stop reading, apart from the odd snack and drink. When it ended I wanted to know what happened, do they get married and have kids? But that's the thing with books isn't it? They can leave you hanging, wanting and more or less begging for more, so they bring out another book so cure your need; and then you are 100% sure to buy it. This book isn't just aimed at teenagers, even though the cover is some what 'kid like' I would say even the adults of adults could take something away from this book.

Looking for Alaska- John Green
What can I possibly say about this book which hasn't already been said? This book and Paper Towns are both my favourites from John Green, yep, even better than The Fault in our stars. I thank my lucky stsrs every day that this isn't a movie.. not yet anyways. I hope it never will turn into a movie because it's too pretty, well thought out and too much of a good book for some film director to rip apart and claim it's the same book. Can you tell I don't like movies which are 'based' on a book? I love the story line, I love all the characters and it's a book which I can relate to, almost feel like the situation could be remade in the outside world. When I say outside world I mean outside of the book in the place you call reality and I call hell. This book is almost everything I ever look for in a book, almost.

Geek Girl- Holly Smale
I say book but i really mean books, as in the series. i love them all to deathb and they have made my near enugh 2 hour journey to college each day a bit more fun. The books isn't just all about falling in love, it's so much more than a typical love story. It's about travelling, exploring the world and making you see that anything is possible if you try. It's about passing your GCSE and not having a clue. It's about bestfriends turn enemies, horrible step parents and siblings, stalkers and of course, falling in love. Over and over again.. This is my pick me up book, the book which makes me smile when me and a certain someone have fell out or when I just want a laugh. I would recommend this book series to every person in the world, you will love it.

So that's them done, I read an awful lot and not all of them are teen based books. Anything apart from Harry Potter!!

What is your favorite book?


X x x


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