Dare to be a dreamer in a world which believes in reality.

It thrills me to be a apart of a blog crawl, I love seeing other bloggers do their thing, I'm second on this crawl because I was too scared to go first! The blog crawl was kindly put together by Debrina Wright-Williams for her upcoming  Dreamers 2 Doers Retreat Inspired by “The Desire Map”, all links will be situated down below like always!

The deal was that everyone involved will explain about being a dreamer and how they accomplish their dreams, at least that's how I'm doing it. During this blog post I'm going to ask you questions, it would be cool if you could all comment and let me know the answers!

Sleepy dreams vs. Go and do them dreams.

something which has always confused me, I'm a firm believer that the dreams you have at night are messages from your future, an indication to what is going to happen. I like to believe that on the night I lost my Grandad that it was him making me have that dream, so I didn't panic. maybe I am just looking for answers to a question which will forever remain unanswered and want to think things, but it's nice isn't it? Do you believe in sleepy dreams? If so, what's the best one you've had?

This moves us on to dreams which you want to achieve and that are actually achievable.

So what's my dream? I have a few, more than a few and some are really silly.One of them is that I want to work in the offices above Slug and lettuce in London, by Tower Bridge. This is a dream I've had ever since I went to London, a dream which I acted on. I knew it was a design company, specialising in Architecture, it all fit together. It was like at that moment I knew what I wanted to do because it felt ok, it felt like I should be there.

My biggest dream is to create a workshop and travel around different schools, promoting courses which genders wouldn't normally pick. If something like this was around when I was in year 11, I'm pretty sure some people would be on a different career path. But I can do this, I can make this happen. I am in the middle of making this happen, watch this space.

I dream about everything, the important thing is that you have to act on it. Break down your comfort wall and go and do it.

We now live in a society where every ones dreams are almost robotic, vanilla and quite frankly, boring. We have been told that dreams don't come true and that whatever happens, will happen.

We get told that we should leave School, go to Uni, get married, have kids and then work for the rest of our lives. We grow up and that;s all the information we have, what they don't tell us is that there is so much in between them milestones.

How we should achieve them dreams.

So now we have all concluded that we have dreams, even if you've just thought of it whilst reading this blog, now we need to do it.

This might mean that you can't go to a car dealership and say "I have a dream that I want this car, I'll pay you back when I get a job." because it doesn't work like that. There is always a path, even if it's 2000 miles long or 3 ft away from you. Baby steps is key here, a baby doesn't go from crawling to running marathons in a week, but they don't give up.

Everyone's dreams and goals will be different, it's just how you finally achieve them which others are bothered about.

Thank you, to you!

I had a dream that I wanted to be a blogger, no matter how small or big. Here O am, making money, doing a thing which I love, helping others and constantly smelling like a Lush bath bomb. I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart for making me achieve my dreams. For all the lovely comments no matter how small, for the kind messages of support and to them people who message me to tell me that I haven't posted on a Thursday (I did explain on my face book page.) Thank you. I had a dream and I achieved it, so can you.

LINKS: Dreamers2Doers

Have a wonderful, dreamy and down right amazing Sunday!


X x x


  1. I also believe that our night time dreams can be messages from above. <3


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