Dear 13 year old Anna.

Dear Anna,

I've chosen this age because it's when most things started to blossom... And then burn.
Right now you have a crush on a boy, a real big crush and everyone knows.. Even him. You'll shout and get jealous and you'll honestly think that you're going to marry him one day. How sad. It takes you until you're 17 and 7 months to finally get over him. I want you to know that you should never change to get a boys attention.

Your Mam is in a relationship, you hate him and his kids. You want them gone from your life. You want you and your Mam, and you don't really want to share her. You'll hate his kids, you'll hate how strange they are and you'll hate your soon to be Step Dad more than anything in this world. I want you to know that, even though things might be though and you hate everyone and everything, things will get better.

Right now, you hate your weight, or should I say a few individuals hate your weight and they will do everything and anything to try and convince you that you're the fattest person in the world. You will cry into your Grandads arms as he tells you that you're the most beautiful girl in the world. Anna, if I could tell you anything it would be that you're perfectly fine, you are healthy and it's 100% okay to eat that cake.

So you think you have friends? You think that these people you hang around with are your friends? I wish I could say that you're the minority of people who stay friends with everyone after school finishes, but you're not. Them so called friends leave you, invite you places and don't even talk to you. I want you to know that you're stronger than they make out you are, a handful of friends is much more valuable than a truck load of people who don't even care about you.

Right now, you start to loose interest in going places with Grandad, your phone becomes so much more interesting and BBM is booming. You have 3 years left and they will go in a blink of an eye. Anna, I'm begging you to get off your phone and spend time with him. You'll soon regret all them days wasted and conversations which will never happen.

I know you're scared and I know things are going on which you hate, but they do get better. New friends, opportunities, jobs and relationships come your way. You just need to chill.

In your leavers book you'll find a quote which really hits a nerve "Chill out and smell the roses please, its time to be Anna now." you can thank Rachael for that later.

Just chill out, everything will be okay, promise.

P.S Oh yeah, you get married in R.E and it will be the best day of your life.

Missed last weeks posts? Find it here and here.


  1. Dear 18 year old Anna. You should realise now that your wonderful Mam (me) made the right choice when she married James. Yeah his kids can be a pain (hi Theo) but so can you. You have grown into a wonderfully complicated young woman who can alternate between "resting bitch face" and perfect daughter in the blink of an eye. Luckily I love you anyways. Which is just as well really.




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