My annoying habits.

I get told a lot that I annoy people, I normally take offence but every now and then I get told I do something over and over again, no matter how many times I do it and get told off. These habits annoy me more than anyone else, this doesn't stop others from complaining, again, about them though.

I bite my nails when I am stressed.

I've always done it, ever since I could remember. My Dad bites his nails until they bleed which is just lovely and maybe I copied off him. This is a really bad habit and I mostly do it when I'm stressed or when I'm anxious.

I bounce my leg when I'm sitting down.

By bounce I mean shake my leg, I do this when I'm not even thinking about doing it and then I start to think about it, and then I cant stop. Annoys my Gran so much, not going to lie, I sometimes do it just to annoy her.

I say 'like' too many times in one sentence.

This one's for you Mam! I think my generation have adapted the word like into their vocab and made it top priority. "I was like omg like no, don't even like say that." I do this more if I'm under pressure.. Actually, that's just me making excuses for myself. I have no idea why I do it.

I never save any ones number.

This is probably my worst one, I haven't saved Corey's number and I've had it for nearly a year. This proves more difficult when they text you and you have to lie and pull out the whole "Sorry who's this? My phones got wiped." story on them. Whatsapp is my friend because I can see from their picture who they are, unless they have a group photo and I'm totally screwed.

I judge people on their snapchat best friends.

Now I know, right now my best friends on snapchat are making a few of my friends me slightly mad at me. I judge my little cousins on theirs, my friends when I've took their phones at parties. When someone mentions that they have got someone on snapchat and they have been sending pictures after 8pm, we all instantly assume the worst. By worst I mean nudes, just to clarify that. Nudes, what wonderful pictures to wake up to, huh?

I take Nostril Selfies.

Yes.. That is me on everyone's snapchat... No, I don't have boogies. This all started off because I was scared I had snot and that everyone would laugh at me. Now, it's just my thing and I take them on a regular basis. Sorry Austin. Jade and Christian!

I have loads more like leaving my rubbish in Karls car, forcing Corey to eat my chuddy if there isn't a bin so I won't die, phoning my ex because I'm lost and scared. or my personal favourite, reading a book to fast and being annoyed because it's finished and you've just paid twelve quid for a book which you read in a day.

Pssstttttt. Missed last weeks post? Find it here and here!

What's your annoying habits?


X x x


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