Bright lips and #eyebrowsonfleek Ad.

Welcome to week 2 of my happy week series!

This week has been full of exciting things, the biggest thing I'll leave to the end!

I received 2 Mac lipsticks, one off Mac directly and another one I bought at a discounted price. Both are lovely in their own ways but I couldn't have purchased two totally different liptsicks!

Velvet Teddy

Ss you can see from the photo, I'm hideous at taking pictures of promoted products! It's such a nice colour, way more pink toned than I thought. I'm not sure if it was strange lighting in photos online but I always thought it was more brown toned. It goes on smoothly and I'll be doing a make up look based around it soon, so you'll find it here when it;s live. Overall, it's a really good lipstick and I thank Mac for sending me it!
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Royal Matte

This lipstick I bought at a discounted price, Mac did not send me it for free. I was actually speaking to Jazz and well, she always convinces me into buying things I don't really need, god damn you Jasmine! I wanted a blue lipstick because I was becoming bored of Macs good old Cyber. This though, isn't exactly blue and it isn't even matte, here's a picture to see for yourself.

It;s very cool toned and well.. Purple. It also goes on very sheer and it;s hard to build up. Overall, I would not buy this again, but it does look pretty teamed up with Macs Voiletta so I'm still going to use it!

Still on the subject of Jazz, I do speak to Austin, just be babies when I try and convince him to put make up on him #relationshopgoals. I got sent a eyebrow kit from Eylure but it was too light for my very dark, borderline black eyebrows. I convinced Jazz to let me dye her brows, you can read her experience here. I've included this into my happy week because I honestly do love Austin's Mam and Sister so much!

Credit to Jazz for the picture which looks strangely like Austin (but don't tell him I said that)
Now for my big news, the thing which you probably haven't been waiting for, but I'm going to tell you all any  ways!


What's that I hear? "Anna, what's the difference between a writer and a blogger?" Well, to be honest with you lovely people, I'm not sure. I'm a writer over at the lovely Mental Movement  and I'll be blogging there once a month.

I'm so excited to get started with this movement and I hope I can at least help one of you guys. but don;t worry, it;s going to change nothing over here and I'll still be blogging twice a week,


I have new blogging days! I'll be doing some sort of review/first impressions/normal post on Monday at 6PM UK time and Friday at 6PM UK time.

How has your week been? Has it been a happy week?


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